Visual Studio with harbour

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Visual Studio with harbour

Post by Antonio Linares »


I think that the Visual Studio source code editor will be really great once we develop a Harbour language support for it:

In fact I already emailed some developers that have created new languages extensions for it (Lua, Irony which it is a great tool to implement these extensions, etc) and some of them confirmed me that it may take some weeks to implement it. There are several free implementations that we could use as a template. Anyhow its quite complex and I would like to do it once there is a significant amount of Harbour + FWH users using Visual Studio. I don't like the idea to use UEStudio and Visual Studio together (I don't say that it may not work -you are using it that way-) but if already has a source code editor why should we use another one ? I do all my coding from UEStudio, but I don't discard to use the Visual Studio one.

I love its low level debugger. I have used it to step by step run C code and its wondeful. And it has much more features that once we learn to use them (code analysis, profiling, etc) we will have a real powerful tool in our hands to help us.

I have never used IDEs, because I don't feel comfortable with them, but if I have to choose one, my choice is Visual Studio :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Visual Studio with harbour

Post by Antonio Linares »

Lets see if we are lucky enough and could get a .NET C# expert to help us :-) ... isual.html

If some of you are also interested in this, we could offer more money for it. So your help (all of you) is really welcome :-)

If finally we get someone to build it, then it will be free for all the Harbour users and fully source code will be available for everyone :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Visual Studio with harbour

Post by norberto »

can i edit my .rc (resources) on VS2013 without lost compatibility with other editors? how? thanks
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