What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Marc Vanzegbroeck
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by Marc Vanzegbroeck »


Can Tmysql still work with the old xHarbour-compiler 0.99.71 (Simplex)?
I have tried TDolphin, but some commands are not recognized by the compiler, and after changing them, I still have missing functions after trying to build an example.


FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by lucasdebeltran »


TMysql,TDolphin or ADO yes, they are perfect options from a new application.

The problem is preexistings apps, it is very hard to rewrite all code.

Also, for a single PC I think it does not worth to use Mysql (set up problems, bakcups...).

That´s because I think an RDD for SQL es so important for us ;).
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]

Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.

Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »


Now I get the following errors :

Error E2209 mysql.h 57: Unable to open include file 'mysql_com.h'
Error E2209 mysql.h 58: Unable to open include file 'mysql_version.h'
Error E2209 mysql.h 59: Unable to open include file 'typelib.h'
Error E2209 mysql.h 64: Unable to open include file 'my_list.h'
Error E2209 mysql.h 128: Unable to open include file 'my_alloc.h'
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

download http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/
and set path or copy include to mysql.c folder
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »

ShumingWang wrote:download http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/
and set path or copy include to mysql.c folder
Now I get these errors :

c:\Borland\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -M -c -v -w -Ic:\Borland\bcc582\include -Ic:\xharbour\include -I"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include" -I.\include MYSQL.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Error E2139 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include\mysql_com.h 268: Declaration missing ;
Error E2147 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include\mysql_com.h 437: 'SOCKET' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2141 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include\typelib.h 29: Declaration syntax error
Error E2238 mysql.h 113: Multiple declaration for 'my_ulonglong'
Error E2344 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include\typelib.h 29: Earlier declaration of 'my_ulonglong'
Warning W8075 MYSQL.C 324: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_SQLLISTTBL
Warning W8079 MYSQL.C 384: Mixing pointers to different 'char' types in function filetoBuff
Warning W8075 MYSQL.C 402: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_FILETOSQLBINARY
*** 5 errors in Compile ***
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

Posts: 129
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:50 pm

Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »

ShumingWang wrote:Oh, I use harbour 3.0
try http://www.xtech.com.cn/down/include.rar
Now I have only 2 errors :

c:\Borland\bcc582\bin\bcc32 -M -c -v -w -Ic:\Borland\bcc582\include -Ic:\xharbour\include -I.\include MYSQL.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Error E2139 .\include\mysql_com.h 183: Declaration missing ;
Error E2147 .\include\mysql_com.h 358: 'SOCKET' cannot start a parameter declaration
Warning W8075 MYSQL.C 324: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_SQLLISTTBL
Warning W8079 MYSQL.C 384: Mixing pointers to different 'char' types in function filetoBuff
Warning W8075 MYSQL.C 402: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_FILETOSQLBINARY
*** 2 errors in Compile ***
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

Sorry I do not use xharbour, nor understand C.
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »

ShumingWang wrote:Sorry I do not use xharbour, nor understand C.
Thanks anyway. Can anyone help me to compile mysql ?
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Location: Guangzhou(Canton),China

Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

I downloaded http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/ version win32-vs2005 ,
rebuild mysql.c -->mysql.obj, then mysql.lib, no warrnings .
Habour 3.0 ,Bcc55 ,fwh1104 .

Regards !
Shuming Wang
Posts: 129
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »

ShumingWang wrote:I downloaded http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/ version win32-vs2005 ,
rebuild mysql.c -->mysql.obj, then mysql.lib, no warrnings .
Habour 3.0 ,Bcc55 ,fwh1104 .

Regards !
Shuming Wang
Can you please post details how you rebuild? Thanks
Posts: 454
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Location: Guangzhou(Canton),China

Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by ShumingWang »

Sorry my mistakes.

but http://www.xtech.com.cn/down/include.rar with bcc55,bcc582 works.

makefile.bc :

INCLUDE_DIR = d:\borland\bcc55\include;d:\harbour30\include;d:\mysqlinclude

BIN_DIR = d:\harbour30\bin
OBJ_DIR = obj
LIB_DIR = lib

$(LIB_DIR)\mysql.lib :\
$(OBJ_DIR)\tmysql.obj \

$(OBJ_DIR)\tmysql.c : tmysql.prg
$(OBJ_DIR)\tmysql.obj : $(OBJ_DIR)\tmysql.c
$(OBJ_DIR)\mysql.obj : mysql.c

\borland\bcc55\bin\bcc32 $(CLIBFLAGS) -c -O2 -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) -DHB_OS_WIN_32_USED -o$@ $<
\borland\bcc55\bin\tlib $(LIB_DIR)\mysql.lib -+$@,,

$(BIN_DIR)\harbour.exe $< -q0 -w -es2 -gc0 -n -i$(INCLUDE_DIR) -o$@

@echo off
rem $Id: make_b32.bat,v 1.1 2003/02/03 05:19:18 walito Exp $
if "%1" == "clean" goto CLEAN
if "%1" == "CLEAN" goto CLEAN
D:\borland\bcc55\bin\make -fmakefile.bc %1 %2 %3 > make_b32.log
if errorlevel 1 goto BUILD_ERR
copy lib\mysql.lib *.* > nul
goto EXIT
notepad make_b32.log
goto EXIT
if exist lib\mysql.lib del lib\mysql.lib
if exist lib\mysql.bak del lib\mysql.bak
if exist obj\mysql.obj del obj\mysql.obj
if exist obj\tmysql.c del obj\tmysql.c
if exist obj\tmysql.obj del obj\tmysql.obj
goto EXIT
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