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Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:37 pm
by codemaker
Otto wrote:Hello Boris,

maybe you have set up some Environment Variables in Windows XP which link to other files.

Best regards,
I dedicated this weekend to solve this problem. This includes checking everything

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:42 pm
by codemaker
Davide wrote:Boris,

I heard that Windows 7 provides an "XP-mode" to prevent compatibility problems. I didn't try it myself, but you may give it a chance if nothing else suggested here does work.

Yes, I installed yesterday this XP mode.
It requires the processor capable running "Virtualization". Luckily enough I recently bought Toshiba Qosmio G50-120 which is a real laptop monster so I can try this mode also.
It looks promissing.
Runs a real XP with all the possibilities and is very fast.
In the worst case, I will install xHB and FWH to this "XP" and work that way. I think in this case I will have to buy more memory (to have 8GB), right now I have 4GB. I know Windows 7 32-bit cannot address all that memory but "XP" mode can take its share from more memory, leaving me the 4GB as from the start.

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:23 pm
by James Bott
A Month ago I was in San Diego and LA and I remembered you (I think you're from San Diego, right?) But, many obligations and some work and a short time, didn't allow me to tray to find you. Next time maybe.
I am very sorry I missed meeting you. Please do look me up next time. And, yes, I am in San Diego.

If the EXE compiled on the XP computer is working on the Win 7 computer, then I think that it is not the OS that is the issue. I think that the same LIBs and/or OBJs are not getting compiled or linked.

Let us know what you find.


Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:51 am
by codemaker
The situation is as follows:

1. On Windows 7 machine Installed xHarbour april 2009
1a. I use some FWH version from the year 2006

2. When I ran to compile one project it compiles ok, but when I start the program, it crashes and in error.log I see that some Fivewin PRG from FWH library is compiled with older PCODE, needs to be recompiled states the error message.

3. I took ALL Fivewin PRGs into one folder (Class/Functions/Winapi PRGs) and made a LIB by compiling it with this new xHArbour. Some of the PRG I was not able to compile, but very few of them.

4. I include the newly created LIB into project XBP and ran the compilation/linking, the EXE was successfully created.

5. The program I ran, works perfectly as I can say so far. It is too late now and will check more tomorrow, but I do not expect any problem.

What confuses me is the fact I have to recompile all FWH PRG files and I do NOT have to do this if I run the compiler on XP machine?
So far, so good

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:54 pm
by James Bott

If I understand correctly, you are compiling using different versions of xHarbour on each machine. Generally, you should use the version of xHarbour that comes with FWH.

The different versions of xHarbour may be the problem. It could be that FWH is calling some different routines when used with the newer xHarbour and one of those routines was compiled with the older PCODE. Or, it could be that all of the FWH PRGs were compiled with the older PCODE if that is what was being used at the time your version of FWH was distributed (in 2006 that seems likely).


Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:51 pm
by Rimantas
James Bott wrote:Boris,

If I understand correctly, you are compiling using different versions of xHarbour on each machine. Generally, you should use the version of xHarbour that comes with FWH.
You don't understand - Boris is using commercial xHarbour from . The xHarbour from Fwh here is another xHarbour , freeware . The problem that some libs in this commercial package are not working under Win 7 . Boris asked - why this is working under XP , but not under Win 7 ?

Regards !

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:55 pm
by Rimantas
James Bott wrote:Boris,

If I understand correctly, you are compiling using different versions of xHarbour on each machine. Generally, you should use the version of xHarbour that comes with FWH.
You don't understand - Boris is using commercial xHarbour from . The xHarbour from Fwh here is another xHarbour , freeware . The problem that some libs in this commercial package are not working under Win 7 . Boris asked - why this is working under XP , but not under Win 7 ?

Boris - just idea . Search at Win 7 dirs - maybe something similar name or dll is using in Win 7 ? And that maybe problem of replacement ? Or just rename needful lib in another name and direct this new name in project ... Maybe it helps ?

Regards !

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:58 pm
by James Bott
You don't understand - Boris is using commercial xHarbour from . The xHarbour from Fwh here is another xHarbour , freeware . The problem that some libs in this commercial package are not working under Win 7
Regardless if he is using the freeware or commercial version it sounds like he is not using the same version on each PC. If so, then concluding that it is the OS that is the problem may not be correct.


Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:54 am
by Antonio Linares
I have the same opinion as James.

It seems to me as he is using different files in those computers

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:55 am
by driessen
Hello Guys,

I use FWH 9.10 and the commercial xHarbour builder of Nov. 2009.

I tested everything on Windows 7 (in my case Ultimate) and it is all working great. No problem at all.

To my opinion, the reason for any problem must be caused by something else.

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:49 pm
by codemaker
Antonio Linares wrote:I have the same opinion as James.

It seems to me as he is using different files in those computers
I installed FWH 8.11 which I bought from you,
Then I instaleld xHB professional 2009 the latest from xharbour site

When I try to compile/link my projects, and then start it I get this message for one of the FWH PRG files:
Module: '.\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG' was compiled into PCODE version 9, this version of xHarbour expects version: 10
The dialog title is "Unrecoverable error 9000"
I cannot run anything

The same code compiled on XP-mode on Windows 7 is compiled with older xHB/FWH combinations and works ok.

So now I am working on XP-mode for all my projects but this is not what I want. I need the combination latest xHB and FWH 8.11 to work on Windows 7 but have no idea what to do.
Looks to me that whenever we get newer version of xHB we need also newer version of FWH? I cannot afford buying the new FWH versions every year (somtimes twice) ?

The question is not if I run different versions on both computers. The questions is how to run the latest xHB with FWH 8.11 or I have to buy another FWH version? for Windows 7 to be able compile/link
I read recently that the latest xHB is created in Pelles C which has some difference agains MSC??

I need help

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:28 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
codemaker wrote:Module: '.\source\function\ERRSYSW.PRG' was compiled into PCODE version 9, this version of xHarbour expects version: 10
The error message is clear: you have to recompile ERRSYSW.PRG.


Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:50 pm
by codemaker
Enrico I figured this out already before.
If you remember a few posts before, I already wrote that this message pops up for EACH program from FWH \source folder.
I finally compiled ALL the PRGs found in \functions \classes and \winapi folders and then included this new LIB into my projects.
If I do not do that, I cannot run my programs.

I am wandering is it possible that each new xHB version will require recompilation of FWH files? Is the FWH version 8.11 that old we have to do that?
Not to mention I am not sure this is the correct way, the most secure way would probably be to buy the latest FWH every time I get the latest FWH from subscription.

And what if I want to stay with let's say xHB version May.2009 and next year I want to by FWH the lates version 10.00 for example? I will be forced to buy the xHB 2010 version...

I am tired of jongling with xHB/FWH versions.
It happens every time I move from one xHB/FWH versions to newer.
This is why I was waiting this long to go to a newer xHB, because I have only 8.11 version and I have to either by each year a new version or try to recompile FWH 8.11 PRG files and pray the program will work and not crash because of incompatibility...

After I was working with FW version back to 1.6 or 1.92, more than 14 years for now, today I have to start thinking about moving to some other tool.
And I was in love with FW and then with FWH and now I finish spending 2 weeks to continue working normaly after upgrading the xHB. And this was not the forst pain I suffered through the years!
I don't have nerves, time and money to buy FWH versions twice a year.

I would like to buy some version of FWH and be sure that everything will work as expected. If the OS Windows 7 is the problem, let us know. If not, I need an explanation why xHB november 2009 and FWH 8.11 does not compile ok? besides recompoling FWH files, what is easier and more user friendly suggestion.

The main problem is:
1. The OLD xHB (December 2006) and FWH versions worked very well on my XP machine which I sold
2. On a new machine I installed Windows 7 and CANNOT use the old versions xHB/FWH I was working with up to now. It simply does not compile and work
3. I therefore downloaded the latest xHB and used the FWH 8.11 I bought last year. HAve problems to compile and run
4. I am blocked.
5. For now I am using OLD xHb/FWH on virtual Windows 7 "XP mode" and cannot use Windows 7 OS in full manner.
6. Seams I have to buy FWH 9.6 or something to be able (maybe) to compile and run my applications on Windows 7 with xHB November 2009
7. Have no money to by FWH each year (and not understanding why) What about next year?
8. Totally blocked and after more than 14 years unhappy with FW.

Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:34 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
I'm sure Windows 7 is not the source of your problem. You have simply mixed new xHarbour compiler with old FWH modules and that caused the error messages about PCODE version. The simple solution is to recompile all the PRGs.


Re: Problem with Windows 7

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:19 am
by James Bott

You need to understand about pcode. Harbour and xHarbour are compiled into pcode. The use of pcode allows, among other things, different C compilers to be used so the same apps can be compiled to run on different OS platforms. For more reasons why pcode is used review the wikipeadia article link I provided in a previous post.

And of course FWH is mostly Harbour/xHarbour code so it is also compiled into pcode. Normally, you purchase FWH and (x)Harbour at the same time so you don't have compatibility problems.

At some variable intervals Harbour and xHarbour are recompiled using a new Pcode version (presumably to take advantages of new features). Understandably, you cannot mix modules compiled with different pcode versions into the same EXE. So, when you try to use a version of (x)Harbour that was compiled with a newer pcode with a version of FWH that was compiled with an older pcode, then you are going to get errors. There is no way to know when pcode versions are going to be changed by the (x)Harbour developers, so there is no way to know how long a version of FWH may be compatible with (x)Harbour. You might purchase the two products years apart and they are still compatible, or you might get them a month apart and they are not (because the pcode version was changed in that month).

There is also another issue to be considered. When (x)Harbour changes source code (to add features, fix bugs, etc.) there is always the risk that an older version FWH is not going to work properly with those changes. Conversly, if FWH makes changes it may not work properly with older versions of (x)Harbour. I believe both parties try to keep backward compatibility but it is an elusive goal and sometimes one cannot fix a bug without breaking backward compatibility.
>On a new machine I installed Windows 7 and CANNOT use the old versions xHB/FWH I was working with up to now. It simply does not compile and work.
I am still not convinced that this may not have been a path or file version issue, but if it is true, then this may be why the (x)Harbour developers were forced to go to a new pcode version. The new pcode version may have fixed a compatibility issue with Windows 7.

So, what are your options.

1) Get versions of both FWH and (x)Harbour at the same time. If you use the free versions of (x)Harbour you get the proper versions with FWH when you purchase it so you don't have compatibility problems. If you use the commercial version of xHarbour then you need to have a compatible version.

2) If you want to use a newer version of (x)Harbour with an older version of FWH (compiled using an older version of pcode) then you may be able to recompile all of the FWH modules using the newer (x)Harbour. You may still, however, have compatibility issues due to source code changes as discussed above.
>6. Seams I have to buy FWH 9.6 or something to be able (maybe) to compile and run my applications on Windows 7 with xHB November 2009.
I hope you now understand that you either have to buy a new version of FWH or recompile the old version if you want to use the new version of xHB. If I understand correctly, you have already recompiled FWH successfully so you should now have working copy.
