TSButton V.6.0 for FWH/(x)Harbour

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Re: TSButton V.6.0 for FWH/(x)Harbour

Post by mmercado »

Hi Julio Cesar:
JC wrote:I have included this lib in my .bc file. I think that is not correct, don't?
It is correct when linking application programs, not for building the lib

The lib can be built using xMate (as Silvio says ) or VerCe (SButton.vrc included) or RMake with the included SButton.rmk file


Manuel Mercado
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Re: TSButton V.6.0 for FWH/(x)Harbour

Post by JC »

mmercado wrote:Hi Julio Cesar:
JC wrote:I have included this lib in my .bc file. I think that is not correct, don't?
It is correct when linking application programs, not for building the lib

The lib can be built using xMate (as Silvio says ) or VerCe (SButton.vrc included) or RMake with the included SButton.rmk file


Manuel Mercado
Ok Manuel, but I don't have RMake... So, I wanted to compile the class TsButton and file BPaint.c to avoid to use the lib.

But he complains of the lack of functions GetFontHeight and SBPaint (). Both are within the BPaint.c that has been compiled together with my project files.

This is correct Manuel? I have to use the lib anyway?
Peace and lighting!

Júlio César M. Ferreira

FWH 8.10 / xHB 1.1.0 / xDevStudio 0.72 / Pelles C 5.0.1 / SQLLIB 1.9
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Re: TSButton V.6.0 for FWH/(x)Harbour

Post by mmercado »

Hi Julio Cesar:
JC wrote:But he complains of the lack of functions GetFontHeight and SBPaint (). Both are within the BPaint.c that has been compiled together with my project files.

This is correct Manuel? I have to use the lib anyway?
No, for SButtons all what you actually need are TSButton. prg and BPaint.c compiled and linked with your app.


Manuel Mercado
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Post by StefanHaupt »


here is a batch to compile the lib. Just change the pathnames at the beginning

Code: Select all

rem Change these pathnames
set fwh=d:\fwh
set include=.\INCLUDE;d:\fwh\include;%INCLUDE%
set hdir=d:\xharbour
set bcdir=d:\Borland\bcc55\bin
set def=HB_API_MACROS 

%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBAR.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBAR.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBUTTON.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBUTTON.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSLINES.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSLINES.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSRADIO.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSRADIO.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSTSAY.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSTSAY.C

rem INICIO Modulos C Generados por Harbour !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include  -oOBJ\TSBAR.OBJ  OBJ\TSBAR.C

@del OBJ\*.c

rem Modulos C Nativos !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include;%include%  -oOBJ\BPAINT.OBJ  source\function\BPAINT.C

@del LIB\SButtonX.LIB

%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBar     > Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBUtton  >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSLines   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSRadio   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSTSay    >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\BPaint    >> Lib.log

rem @del tmplib.bc

@echo Library built
kind regards
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Posts: 445
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Location: Brazil

Post by JC »

StefanHaupt wrote:Julio,

here is a batch to compile the lib. Just change the pathnames at the beginning

Code: Select all

rem Change these pathnames
set fwh=d:\fwh
set include=.\INCLUDE;d:\fwh\include;%INCLUDE%
set hdir=d:\xharbour
set bcdir=d:\Borland\bcc55\bin
set def=HB_API_MACROS 

%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBAR.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBAR.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBUTTON.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBUTTON.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSLINES.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSLINES.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSRADIO.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSRADIO.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSTSAY.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSTSAY.C

rem INICIO Modulos C Generados por Harbour !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include  -oOBJ\TSBAR.OBJ  OBJ\TSBAR.C

@del OBJ\*.c

rem Modulos C Nativos !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include;%include%  -oOBJ\BPAINT.OBJ  source\function\BPAINT.C

@del LIB\SButtonX.LIB

%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBar     > Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBUtton  >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSLines   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSRadio   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSTSay    >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\BPaint    >> Lib.log

rem @del tmplib.bc

@echo Library built
Thanks Stefan and Manuel!

Now, my TsButton it's ok! Running! ;)

Really, I don't need to create a sbutton.lib, just i'm including the BPaint.c and the class TSButton.prg in my .BC while compile! Works fine!

Peace and lighting!

Júlio César M. Ferreira

FWH 8.10 / xHB 1.1.0 / xDevStudio 0.72 / Pelles C 5.0.1 / SQLLIB 1.9
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