I have some tables *.DBF with *.cdx indexes and some of them contain memo fields. The memo table is in *.fpt format. I am using the FWH / [x]Harbour xBrowse(...) function to do a quick browse of selected dbf tables and in some cases to export the table values to Excel for further processing. It works fine when there are no memo fields in the table. It gives the following error when a memo field is present:
Has anyone else had a similar problem?Application
Path and name: D:\ac\fwhdb_phx\Project\ph_win32.exe (32 bits)
Size: 3,793,920 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 48 secs
Error occurred at: 27/05/2009, 21:39:51
Error description: Error Excel.Application:ACTIVESHEET:COLUMNS/0 S_OK: _NUMBERFORMAT
[ 1] = C @d
Stack Calls
Called from: source\rtl\win32ole.prg => TOLEAUTO:_NUMBERFORMAT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\XBROWSE.PRG => TXBROWSE:TOEXCEL(5207)
Called from: xBrowse_dbf.prg => (b)BTNBAR(154)
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:CLICK(443)
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:LBUTTONUP(629)
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT(1453)
Called from: .\source\classes\BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:HANDLEEVENT(1283)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3333)
Called from: => SYSREFRESH(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\folder.PRG => SYSWAIT(484)
Called from: xBrowse_dbf.prg => SHOW_DBF_IN_DIALOG(140)
Called from: xBrowse_dbf.prg => (b)XBROWSE_DBF(58)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(945)
Called from: xBrowse_dbf.prg => XBROWSE_DBF(58)
Called from: ph_win32.prg => (b)BUILDMENU(1215)
Called from: .\source\classes\MENU.PRG => TMENU:COMMAND(437)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:COMMAND(1003)
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3333)
Called from: => WINRUN(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(952)
Called from: ph_win32.prg => MAIN(521)
Variables in use
Procedure Type Value
Param 1: C "@d"
Local 1: U
Local 2: C "Excel.Application:ACTIVESHEET:COLUMNS"
Local 1: U
Local 2: U
Local 3: O Class: TXBROWSE
Local 4: O Class: TOLEAUTO
Local 5: O Class: TOLEAUTO
Local 6: O Class: TOLEAUTO
Local 7: U
Local 8: N 15
Local 9: N 15
Local 10: O Class: TXBRWCOLUMN
Local 11: C "D"
Local 12: U
Local 13: N 260
Local 14: N 1
Local 15: N 1040
Local 16: A Len: 48
Local 17: U
Local 18: U
Local 19: U
Local 20: U
Local 21: C "0"
Local 22: A Len: 0
Local 23: L .F.
Local 24: L .T.
Local 25: U
Param 1: O Class: TBTNBMP
If so, how did it get solved?
I'm using FiveWin V9.04 / [x]Harbour 1.2.1,
[x]Harbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406)) and Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland,
Win XP Professional Windows version: 5.1, Build 2600 Service Pack 3
Best Regards,