To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

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To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by vailtom »

Please, Antonio Linares can perhaps give us a suggestion about this ... ... 19190.html

Many thanks,
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

would be possible to implement these changes ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Antonio Linares
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Antonio Linares »

Vailton, Rossine,

Those changes are welcome and will not break FWH code. They can move from numers to pointers. No problem about it.

FWH uses standard Class TOleAuto, so if Harbour code gets improved, its fine for FWH :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

Could we change that now for the next version ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

This error, still persists:


Error description: Error BASE/3012 Argument error: NEW
[ 1] = N 1470288

Stack Calls
Called from: => HB_OLEAUTO:NEW(0)
Called from: classes\ACTIVEX.PRG => TACTIVEX:NEW(0)
Called from: webexp.prg => MAIN(10)


It is possible to reconcile with the activex FWH Harbour to FWH 9.05 version ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

Welcome to your home. :D

You can adjust the activex from fwh to work with latest version of the harbour ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

up :cry:
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Antonio Linares
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Antonio Linares »


Please use this function to generate a Harbour pointer:

Code: Select all

HB_FUNC( RETPTR ) // nValue --> Harbour_Pointer
   hb_retptr( ( void * ) hb_parnl( 1 ) );
Then modify this in Class TActiveX:

Code: Select all

::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( RetPtr( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 343
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

The problem persist:

Code: Select all

   Path and name: C:\fwh\samples\webexp.exe (32 bits)
   Size: 1,492,992 bytes
   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 1 secs 
   Error occurred at: 06/13/09, 09:45:56
   Error description: Error BASE/3012  Argument error: NEW
     [   1] = P   

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => TOLEAUTO:NEW(0)
   Called from: classes\ACTIVEX.PRG => TACTIVEX:NEW(0)
   Called from: WEBEXP.prg => MAIN(10)
Here my activex.prg:

Code: Select all

// FiveWin ActiveX support (32/64 bits only)
// (c) FiveTech Software, all rights reserved

#include ""

#define  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT       2147483648


CLASS TActiveX FROM TControl


   DATA   hActiveX
   DATA   cProgID
   DATA   cString
   DATA   aProperties, aMethods, aEvents
   DATA   bOnEvent
   DATA   oOleAuto

   METHOD New( oWnd, cProgID, nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight ) CONSTRUCTOR

   METHOD ReDefine( nId, oWnd, cProgID ) CONSTRUCTOR

   METHOD Do( cMethodName, uParam1, uParam2, uParam3, uParam4, uParam5 )

   METHOD Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0

   METHOD EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 1

   METHOD GetProp( cPropName ) INLINE __ObjSendMsg( ::oOleAuto, cPropName )

   METHOD Initiate( hDlg )
   METHOD OnEvent( nEvent, aParams )

   METHOD ReadTypes()

   METHOD ReSize( nFlags, nWidth, nHeight ) INLINE ;
             ActXSetLocation( ::hActiveX, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight )

   METHOD SetProp( cPropName, uParam1 ) INLINE __ObjSendMsg( ::oOleAuto, cPropName, uParam1 )
   METHOD Destroy() INLINE ActXEnd( ::hActiveX ), Super:Destroy()   
   ERROR HANDLER OnError( uParam1 )       


METHOD New( oWnd, cProgID, nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS TActiveX

   DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault(), nRow := 0, nCol := 0, nWidth := 200,;
           nHeight := 200

   ::nTop    = nRow
   ::nLeft   = nCol
   ::nBottom = nRow + nHeight
   ::nRight  = nCol + nWidth
   ::oWnd    = oWnd
   ::nId     = ::GetNewId()
   ::cProgID = cProgID
   ::cString = ActXString( cProgID )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      ::hActiveX = CreateActiveX( ::hWnd, cProgID, Self )

msgstop( valtype( ::hActiveX ) )                       && Here return "Numeric"

msgstop( valtype( RetPtr( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) ) )      && Here return "Pointer"

      ::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( RetPtr( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) )
**      ::oOleAuto = TOleauto():New( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) )
      ::nTop = nRow
      ::nLeft = nCol
      ::nWidth = nWidth
      ::nHeight = nHeight
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return Self


METHOD Do( ... ) CLASS TActiveX

#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
   return __ObjSendMsg( ::oOleAuto, ... )
   local aParams := hb_aParams()

   AIns( aParams, 1, ::oOleAuto, .T. )

   return hb_execFromArray( @__ObjSendMsg(), aParams )   


METHOD ReDefine( nId, oWnd, cProgID ) CLASS TActiveX

   DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault()
   ::nId     = nId
   ::oWnd    = oWnd
   ::cProgID = cProgID
   ::cString = ActXString( cProgID )

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )
   oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return Self


METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) CLASS TActiveX

   Super:Initiate( hDlg )

   ::hActiveX = CreateActiveX( ::hWnd, ::cProgID, Self )
   ::oOleAuto = TOleauto():New( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) )

return nil


METHOD OnEvent( nEvent, aParams ) CLASS TActiveX

   local nAt := AScan( ::aEvents, { | aEvent | aEvent[ 2 ] == nEvent } )
   local cEvent := If( nAt != 0, ::aEvents[ nAt ][ 1 ], "" )
   if ! Empty( ::bOnEvent )
      Eval( ::bOnEvent, If( ! Empty( cEvent ), cEvent, nEvent ), aParams )

return nil


METHOD ReadTypes() CLASS TActiveX

   local oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\" + ::cString + ;
                               "\InprocServer32" )
   local cTypeLib := oReg:Get( "" )

   if ! Empty( cTypeLib ) .and. File( cTypeLib )
      ::aEvents = ActXEvents( cTypeLib, ::hActiveX )

return nil


METHOD OnError( ... ) CLASS TActiveX

#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
   return __ObjSendMsg( ::oOleAuto, __GetMessage(), ... )
   local aParams := hb_aParams()

   AIns( aParams, 1, ::oOleAuto, .T. )
   AIns( aParams, 2, __GetMessage(), .T. )   

   return hb_execFromArray( @__ObjSendMsg(), aParams )   


#pragma begindump

#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

HB_FUNC( RETPTR ) // nValue --> Harbour_Pointer
   hb_retptr( ( void * ) hb_parnl( 1 ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP

I use fwh 9.04 + bcc (svn rev.11320).

Any more suggestions ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
fwh 9.05
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Antonio Linares
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Antonio Linares »


Please try this code:

Code: Select all


#include <hbapi.h>
#include <windows.h>

LPSTR hb_oleWideToAnsi( BSTR wString );

   LPOLESTR pOleStr;
   LPSTR * psz;
   StringFromCLSID( ( REFCLSID ) hb_parnl( 1 ), &pOleStr );
   hb_retc( psz = hb_oleWideToAnsi( pOleStr ) );
   hb_xfree( psz );

#pragma ENDDUMP

Code: Select all

::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( STRINGFROMCLSID( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 343
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

The problem persist :(

Code: Select all

   Path and name: C:\fwh\samples\webexp.exe (32 bits)
   Size: 1,492,992 bytes
   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 1 secs 
   Error occurred at: 06/15/09, 08:20:58
   Error description: Error BASE/3012  Argument error: NEW
     [   1] = C   {403E0448-5608-4040-A84E-304028543040}

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => TOLEAUTO:NEW(0)
   Called from: classes\ACTIVEX.PRG => TACTIVEX&#058;NEW(0)
   Called from: webexp.prg => MAIN(10)
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
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Posts: 343
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

I updated the version of the harbour to 11.365 and now has changed message, see:

Code: Select all

   Path and name: C:\fwh\samples\webexp.exe (32 bits)
   Size: 1,492,992 bytes
   Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 0 secs 
   Error occurred at: 06/15/09, 08:48:29
   Error description: Error BASE/3012  Argument error: NAVIGATE
     [   1] = C

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => TOLEAUTO:NAVIGATE(0)
   Called from:  => __OBJSENDMSG(0)
   Called from: classes\ACTIVEX.PRG => TACTIVEX&#058;DO(0)
   Called from: webexp.prg => MAIN(15)

I test of three ways:

Code: Select all

::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) )
::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( RetPtr( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) )
::oOleAuto = TOleAuto():New( STRINGFROMCLSID( ActXPdisp( ::hActiveX ) ) )
strange :? :?: :?: :?:

Here activex return "O":

Code: Select all

   oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Shell.Explorer" )

   msgstop( valtype( oActiveX ) )
...and this:

Code: Select all

memowrit( "dump.txt", hb_dumpvar( oActiveX ) )

Code: Select all

 |  +- >> Begin Data    ------
 |  +- ACONTROLS            [Data   ] [Ex,Su             ] U => NIL
 |  +- ADOTS                [Clsdata] [Ex,Sh,Cl,Su       ] U => NIL
 |  +- AEVENTS              [Data   ] [Ex                ] A => { Array of 38 Items }
 |  +- AMETHODS             [Data   ] [Ex                ] U => NIL
 |  +- AMINMAXINFO          [Data   ] [Ex,Su             ] U => NIL
 |  +- APROPERTIES          [Data   ] [Ex                ] U => NIL
 |  +- BCHANGE              [Data   ] [Ex,Su             ] U => NIL
 |  +- >> End   Methods ------

How to fix this ?
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
fwh 9.05
Windows XP SP2
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Antonio Linares
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Antonio Linares »


Yesterday a TOleAuto fix for Harbour was published.

Please do a checkout and try with the new one, thanks :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 343
Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:33 am

Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by Rossine »

Hello Antonio,

I tested with the rev. 11383 today, and it occurs error. Tested the three ways you said above.

What to do :?:
Obrigado, Regards, Saludos


xHarbour comercial (xAcc) -> Testando harbour + bcc / msvc
fwh 9.05
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Re: To Antonio: Harbour OLE implementation

Post by toninhofwi »

Hi friends,

This works:

Code: Select all

   #include ""
   local oWindow, oActiveX
   DEFINE WINDOW oWindow FROM 0,0 to 400,300 TITLE "Flash Player"
   oActiveX = WIN_AxGetControl( CreatePtrActiveX( 0, "AtlAxWin", "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1", nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE ), 0, 0, 200, 200, oWindow:hWnd, 0 ), nil )
   ACTIVATE WINDOW oWindow ON INIT oActiveX&#058;LoadMovie( 0, "c:\flash.swf" )

Code: Select all


#include "windows.h"
#include "hbapi.h"

extern HINSTANCE _hInstance;

   hb_retptr( CreateWindowEx(
      hb_parnl( 1 ),
      hb_parc( 2 ),
      (LPCTSTR)ISNIL( 3 ) ? ""                  : hb_parc( 3 ) ,   // cProgId
      (DWORD)  ISNIL( 4 ) ? WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW : hb_parni( 4 ),   // style
               ISNIL( 5 ) ? CW_USEDEFAULT       : hb_parni( 5 ),   // nLeft
               ISNIL( 6 ) ? CW_USEDEFAULT       : hb_parni( 6 ),   // nTop
               ISNIL( 7 ) ? 300                 : hb_parni( 7 ),   // nWidth
               ISNIL( 8 ) ? 300                 : hb_parni( 8 ),   // nHeight
               ISNIL( 9 ) ? HWND_DESKTOP        : (HWND) hb_parnl( 9 ),    // oParent:handle
               ISNIL( 10 ) ? 0                   : (HMENU) hb_parnl( 10 ),  // Id
               NULL ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP


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