Original image size when re-printing

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Original image size when re-printing

Post by reinaldocrespo »

I store scanned images to a memo field (.fpt). The original images might be 3 x 2 or 8 x 11 or any other size. Whenever I need to print the image here is what I do:

Code: Select all

	nWidth	:= int( oPrn:nhorzres() / oImage:nwidth() )
	nHeight	:= int( oPrn:nvertres() / oImage:nheight() )
	nTotal	:= min( nWidth, nheight )
	oPrn:sayimage( 2, 2, oImage, oImage:nwidth * ntotal, oImage:nheight * ntotal )
The problem is that if the original image was only 2 x 3 inches, it will print much bigger to occupy the whole page or at least its width.

Is there any way to print a stored image to the same exact size it was when originally scanned? Has anyone come up with a solution?

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