Is it possible to Fax directly from within FWH, using an oldfashioned faxmodem? (Like with the old Faxual II lib for Clipper) I don't want to use an external driver because i want to be in full control..
Thanks in advance,
Faxing from within FWH, is this possible?
You can try use the API interface in 32BitFAX. Is a text file based API and easy to use.
You create a DELIMITED text file and save in 32BitFAX directory:
"Y","Name","Phone","date to delivery","time to delivery","subject"
"Y","Rochinha","55-11-3903-4461","03-15-2006","10:30:00am","Rochinha is a nice guy"
The 4 e 5 parameters is not necessary.
Generate the file named Send2Fax.del with all recs number you decide and save in a ?:\32BitFax directory.
Code Example:
set printer to Send2Fax.prn
your code here
set printer to
__CopyFile( "Send2Fax.prn", "C:\32BitFax\Send2Fax.prn" )
__RenameFile( "Send2Fax.prn", "C:\32BitFax\Send2Fax.del" )
You can try use the API interface in 32BitFAX. Is a text file based API and easy to use.
You create a DELIMITED text file and save in 32BitFAX directory:
"Y","Name","Phone","date to delivery","time to delivery","subject"
"Y","Rochinha","55-11-3903-4461","03-15-2006","10:30:00am","Rochinha is a nice guy"
The 4 e 5 parameters is not necessary.
Generate the file named Send2Fax.del with all recs number you decide and save in a ?:\32BitFax directory.
Code Example:
set printer to Send2Fax.prn
your code here
set printer to
__CopyFile( "Send2Fax.prn", "C:\32BitFax\Send2Fax.prn" )
__RenameFile( "Send2Fax.prn", "C:\32BitFax\Send2Fax.del" )
The 32bit Fax return a file .LOG to your control in the same directory.
Try download in:
http://files.supereva.com/cgi-bin/down5 ... fax&lan=en
http://www.pcwelt.de/downloads/tools_ut ... re/102853/
This app contains a good help file about this feature.
If you use activex in your aplications, try FACSys.OCX, easely found on www.google.com
The 32bit Fax return a file .LOG to your control in the same directory.
Try download in:
http://files.supereva.com/cgi-bin/down5 ... fax&lan=en
http://www.pcwelt.de/downloads/tools_ut ... re/102853/
This app contains a good help file about this feature.
If you use activex in your aplications, try FACSys.OCX, easely found on www.google.com