Customer can change : Brushes,Logos,Colors ... Vers. 8.2 b

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Customer can change : Brushes,Logos,Colors ... Vers. 8.2 b

Post by ukoenig »

Hello everybody

what do you think about,
you customers can change Logos, background, colors ...
on the fly in a ready made program.

Its done with this tool
Complete source is included.
It is also a part of the DB-Tools
Propositions are welcome.

Dialog-Info-Bars are created with Via Coral.
A version complete with FWH created, you may find as
well in the forum.
So it is possible, to have Dialog-Infobars in FWH as well.

Changes :
Version 8.2 b

Complete description of Settings and Vars
New Option NOTHING for windows and Dialog
uses the standard-windows-color as background


Because of Via Coral - handling is included as well,
you can deliver the tool like it is,
otherwise you have to delete the Via Coral - entrys.

What you must do :

Just define 2 privats :
oBrush1 for Windows
oBrush2 for Dialogs

on the top of your programm
you read the INI-File.
Thats all.
Now your customers can define everything
of the graphic-settings.

downloads :

Some nice 24 - Bit-Backgrounds :
Some more will follow

I hove it is useful

Last edited by ukoenig on Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:55 am, edited 9 times in total.
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Post by richard-service »

Hello Ukoenig,

Very nice job. I love it.

Thank you so much.


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Post by Silvio »

good mr. guru
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
Posts: 861
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Post by hua »

Congrats on a nice looking app :)
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