Can I use TXBrowse class from Resource?

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Post by dutch »

Dear nageswaragunupudi,
Actually you can use the same command for resources also like this:

@ 0,0 XBROWSE FIELDS <fileds> HEADERS <headers,...> PIXEL OF oDllg ALIAS <alias>

< your other code for other xbrowse set up if any >

oBrw:CreateFromResource( <ID> ) // instead of oBrw:CreateFromCode()
// do not use oDlg:oClient := oBrw


When you use oBrw:CreateFromResource( <ID> ) the @ <row>,<col> are ignored. You have to use CreateFromResource( <ID> ) after all your other code speicifications for your xbrowse.
It has strange behavier as
- GoDown() after bottom line will show the data from the line before bottom line but it's ok when put bChange := {|| oBrw:Refresh() }
- ON DBLCLIK is not working but it's ok when use oBrw:bLDblClick := {||..}

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Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Dutch

GoDown() after bottom line will show the data from the line before bottom line but it's ok when put bChange := {|| oBrw:Refresh() }

I too have noticed some painting problems when we press down arrow key continuously when we reach the end of the table. Seems this is an issue to be resolved. I would like to look into the behavior in greater detail and report here seeking a solution. I am not sure but I noticed this problem only when I use txbrowse from resource but not when I create from code. May I know your experience? As I said already, I am not very sure. I have to narrow down the problem which happens to me occasionally.

ON DBLCLIK is not working

This is not implemented in the command translate as of now.

Hope these two issues will be resolved soon by FWH

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Post by dutch »

Thanks nageswaragunupudi
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