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Nokia 61xx SMS send/receive functions
Version 1.0
Justin Karneges
June 2000
Thanks goes to the gnokii team for figuring out the frame format, among
many other things! These guys did all the hard work. Although this file
was written from scratch, it was heavily based on their research.
This file contains a set of functions for sending and receiving SMS
(short message service) text messages across a GSM network with a
Nokia 61xx series phone. I've only tested it with my phone (a 6190),
however it should work fine with any GSM phone in the series. It
should also work with the 51xx series phones.
These functions were meant to be as portable as possible (they contain
no serial communications code), and to perform two simple things: send
and receive SMS. That's all. If you want a full program to control
all the aspects of the Nokia 61xx, then I suggest checking out gnokii.
This code was meant to be small, so that it could be used in small
To use:
Setup the serial port and call n61_init(). Then use n61_smssend() and
n61_smsrecv() to send/recv SMS messages. Call n61_update() as often
as possible (possibly by having a timer ISR call it) so that the driver
stays in sync with the phone. All incoming SMS messages are deleted
from the phone's inbox (you want this).
| void n61_init(int (*func)(int cmd, unsigned char c)); |
Before calling this function, do everything necessary to have the
serial port ready. The port MUST be set as follows:
Baud rate: 115200
Parity: None
Bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
DTR: set
RTS: cleared
Since this driver does not contain any serial communications
functionality, you must supply it. An interrupt driven / threaded
serial interface MUST be used. This driver does not poll the port,
and so it is completely dependant on a background serial driver
keeping a queue of all incoming data (so that no data is lost).
To give the serial functionality to this nokia driver, write a simple
function to perform the four types of requests that this driver will
need handled. Pass this function as the argument to init:
The myhandler() function should look like this:
int myhandler(int cmd, unsigned char c)
if(cmd == 0) {
serial_send(c); // send c out the port
else if(cmd == 1)
return serial_recv(); // return the next byte in queue
else if(cmd == 2)
return serial_isdata(); // return zero if queue is empty
else if(cmd == 3)
msleep(1); // delay for 1 millisecond
0 means send "c" out the serial port. 1 means return a byte from the
serial port. 2 means return true/false if there is data waiting.
Simple enough!
This driver also requires a millisecond resolution timer, which is
what the last request is for. Most platforms include some sort of
millisecond (or less) delay function. For MSVC++ there is Sleep(),
Unix has usleep() and DOS has delay(). If you're not using such a
platform, then you'll have to time it yourself. The driver doesn't
specify how many milliseconds to wait, your function should wait
just one millisecond. So just do Sleep(1), usleep(1000), delay(1),
or whatever your homebrew method is. Easy!
Lastly, n61_init() also queries the phone for the SMSC number to be
used when sending SMS.
Whew! If you got past n61_init(), then the rest is easy as cake.
| int n61_smssend(char *dest, char *msg); |
Sends "msg" to "dest". Returns 1 if sent, 0 if not.
| int n61_smsrecv(char *source, char *msg); |
Copies a received message into "msg", stores the source phone number
in "source" and returns 1. Returns 0 if no messages are in the queue.
"msg" will not be larger than 161 bytes (including null byte).
"source" will not be larger than 17 bytes (including null byte).
| int n61_smsqueue(); |
Returns the number of messages in the incoming queue.
| int n61_update(); |
This must be called as often as possible. If it's not called, then
you won't be able to receive messages. This might be something good
to put in a timer interrupt if possible (yes, it's safe).
That's all you need to know!
Nokia 6190 message format:
1 byte = start byte (0x1e)
1 byte = message destination
1 byte = message source
1 byte = message type
1 byte = ???
1 byte = message size
X bytes = message data (X = message size)
1 byte = filler byte (exists only if needed to make message size even)
2 byte = result of all 16bit words XOR'ed together
#include <string.h>
#define N61MODE_SYNC 0
#define N61MODE_DEST 1
#define N61MODE_SOURCE 2
#define N61MODE_TYPE 3
#define N61MODE_UNKNOWN 4
#define N61MODE_SIZE 5
#define N61MODE_DATA 6
#define N61STATE_WAIT 0
#define N61STATE_PROC 1
#define N61STATE_GOOD 2
#define N61STATE_BAD 3
#define N61MAXSIZE 120
#define N61VALID_1H 0x0b
#define N61VALID_6H 0x47
#define N61VALID_24H 0xa7
#define N61VALID_72H 0xa9
#define N61VALID_1W 0xad
#define N61VALID_MAX 0xff
struct N61_MESSAGE
int dest;
int source;
int type;
int unknown;
int size;
unsigned char dat[256];
int cs[2];
struct N61_MESSAGE n61_tmp, n61_buf;
int n61_seqnum = 0;
int n61_prevseq = 0;
int (*n61_serial)(int cmd, unsigned char c);
int n61_mode = 0;
int n61_atbyte = 0;
int n61_datp = 0;
int n61_readsize = 0;
int n61_readbase = 0;
int n61_state;
int n61_multiple;
char n61_smsc[32];
int n61_msgqueuesize;
char n61_msgqueue[4][161];
char n61_msgqueue2[4][17];
int n61_ack, n61_gotmsg, n61_waittype;
int n61_blocked;
// ** translate table taken directly from gnokii **
unsigned char n61_transtable[] = {
/* ETSI GSM 03.38, version 6.0.1, section 6.2.1; Default alphabet */
/* Characters in hex position 10, [12 to 1a] and 24 are not present on
latin1 charset, so we cannot reproduce on the screen, however they are
greek symbol not present even on my Nokia */
'@', 0xa3, '$', 0xa5, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xf9, 0xec,
0xf2, 0xc7, '\n', 0xd8, 0xf8, '\r', 0xc5, 0xe5,
'?', '_', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?',
'?', '?', '?', '?', 0xc6, 0xe6, 0xdf, 0xc9,
' ', '!', '\"', '#', 0xa4, '%', '&', '\'',
'(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
0xa1, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
'X', 'Y', 'Z', 0xc4, 0xd6, 0xd1, 0xdc, 0xa7,
0xbf, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', 0xe4, 0xf6, 0xf1, 0xfc, 0xe0
// **** Functions ****
void n61_init(int (*func)(int cmd, unsigned char c)); // initialize the driver
int n61_smssend(char *dest, char *msg); // send SMS
int n61_smsrecv(char *dest, char *msg); // recv SMS
int n61_smsqueue(); // check the recv queue
void n61_update(); // keep the driver in sync
// **** Functions - internal ****
void n61_block(); // protect during update
void n61_unblock(); // unprotect
void n61_update_main(); // main update
void n61_update_internal(); // internal version of
// n61_update()
void n61_serial_send(unsigned char c); // send byte
unsigned char n61_serial_recv(); // recv byte
unsigned char n61_serial_isdata(); // check for serial data
void n61_serial_delay(); // wait 1 millisecond
int n61_nextseq(); // get next sequence number
int n61_sendframe(int type, int size, unsigned char *data); // send frame
int n61_sendmsg(int type, int size, unsigned char *data); // send message
void n61_sendack(int type, int seqnum); // send acknowledgement
void n61_ackwait(int x); // wait for ack
void n61_wait(int x); // wait for a message
void n61_addchar(char *str, char c); // strcat() but for chars
void n61_bcd(char *dest, char *s); // encode SMSC number
void n61_bcd2(char *dest, char *s); // encode phone number
char *n61_unbcd(unsigned char *dat); // decode SMSC number
char *n61_unbcd2(unsigned char *dat); // decode phone number
void n61_pack7(char *dest, char *s); // pack when sending
char *n61_unpack7(unsigned char *dat, int len); // unpack when received
unsigned char n61_gettrans(unsigned char c); // translate char
void n61_addmsg(char *dest, char *msg); // add a received SMS
// to the queue
void n61_procmsg(struct N61_MESSAGE *msg); // process incoming message
void n61_getstatus(); // request phone status
void n61_getsmsc(); // request SMSC
void n61_delsms(int x); // delete SMS message
int n61_smssendfull(char *smsc, char *dest, char *msg); // send SMS via SMSC
// ** Code **
unsigned char n61_gettrans(unsigned char c)
unsigned char n;
if(c == '?')
return 0x3f;
for(n = 0; n < 128; ++n) {
if(n61_transtable[n] == c)
return n;
return 0x3f;
void n61_block()
n61_blocked = 1;
void n61_unblock()
n61_blocked = 0;
void n61_update()
if(!n61_blocked) {
void n61_update_internal()
void n61_serial_send(unsigned char c)
n61_serial(0, c);
unsigned char n61_serial_recv()
return n61_serial(1, 0);
unsigned char n61_serial_isdata()
return n61_serial(2, 0);
void n61_serial_delay()
n61_serial(3, 0);
void n61_ackwait(int x)
int n;
for(n = 0; n < x; ++n) {
void n61_wait(int x)
int n;
for(n = 0; n < x; ++n) {
void n61_addmsg(char *dest, char *msg)
int n;
// clip args for safety. in theory not necessary
msg[160] = 0;
dest[16] = 0;
// add the message
n = n61_msgqueuesize;
strcpy(n61_msgqueue[n], msg);
strcpy(n61_msgqueue2[n], dest);
int n61_smsrecv(char *dest, char *msg)
int n;
n = n61_msgqueuesize;
if(n <= 0) {
return 0;
strcpy(msg, n61_msgqueue[0]);
strcpy(dest, n61_msgqueue2[0]);
for(n = 0; n < n61_msgqueuesize; ++n) {
strcpy(n61_msgqueue[n], n61_msgqueue[n+1]);
strcpy(n61_msgqueue2[n], n61_msgqueue2[n+1]);
return 1;
int n61_smsqueue()
return n61_msgqueuesize;
int n61_sendframe(int type, int size, unsigned char *data)
unsigned char buf[256];
int at, n, check, len;
unsigned short *p;
at = 0;
// build header
buf[at++] = 0x1e; // message startbyte
buf[at++] = 0x00; // dest: phone
buf[at++] = 0x0c; // source: PC
buf[at++] = type;
buf[at++] = 0x00;
buf[at++] = size;
// add data
for(n = 0; n < size; ++n)
buf[at++] = data[n];
// if odd numbered, add filler byte
if(size % 2) {
buf[at++] = 0x00;
// calculate checksums
check = 0;
p = (unsigned short *)buf;
len = at / 2;
for(n = 0; n < len; ++n)
check ^= p[n];
p[n] = check;
at += 2;
// send the message!
for(n = 0; n < at; ++n) {
int n61_nextseq()
int n;
n = n61_seqnum;
n61_prevseq = n;
n61_seqnum &= 7;
return (n + 0x40);
int n61_sendmsg(int type, int size, unsigned char *data)
unsigned char buf[N61MAXSIZE + 2];
unsigned char num, lastsize;
int n;
int len;
num = (size + N61MAXSIZE - 1) / N61MAXSIZE;
lastsize = size % N61MAXSIZE;
for(n = 0; n < num;) {
if(n + 1 == num)
len = lastsize;
len = N61MAXSIZE;
// get current chunk
memcpy(buf, data + (n * N61MAXSIZE), len);
buf[len] = num - n;
buf[len+1] = n61_nextseq();
buf[len+1] &= 7;
n61_ack = 0;
n61_sendframe(type, len + 2, buf);
void n61_sendack(int type, int seqnum)
char buf[2];
buf[0] = type;
buf[1] = seqnum;
n61_sendframe(0x7f, 2, buf);
void n61_update_main()
int n;
unsigned char c;
while(n61_serial_isdata()) {
c = n61_serial_recv();
// calculate the checksums
n61_tmp.cs[n61_atbyte & 1] ^= c;
// act on the byte
switch(n61_mode) {
case N61MODE_SYNC:
if(c == 0x1e) {
if(!n61_multiple) {
memset(n61_tmp.dat, 0, 256);
n61_atbyte = 0;
n61_tmp.cs[0] = 0x1e;
n61_tmp.cs[1] = 0;
n61_mode = N61MODE_DEST;
case N61MODE_DEST:
n61_tmp.dest = c;
n61_mode = N61MODE_SOURCE;
n61_tmp.source = c;
n61_mode = N61MODE_TYPE;
case N61MODE_TYPE:
n61_tmp.type = c;
n61_mode = N61MODE_UNKNOWN;
n61_tmp.unknown = c;
n61_mode = N61MODE_SIZE;
case N61MODE_SIZE:
n61_tmp.size += c - 2;
else {
n61_tmp.size = c;
n61_datp = 0;
n61_mode = N61MODE_DATA;
// calculate the number of bytes to read
n = n61_tmp.size % 2;
// message size + filler + checksums
n61_readsize = n61_tmp.size + n + 2;
case N61MODE_DATA:
n = n61_datp++;
if(n > 255) {
n61_multiple = 0;
n61_mode = N61MODE_SYNC;
n61_tmp.dat[n] = c; // get the byte
// are we done yet?
if(n >= n61_readsize - 1) {
// checksums ok?
if(n61_tmp.cs[0] == n61_tmp.cs[1] && n61_tmp.cs[0] == 0) {
// don't want to ACK on an ACK
if(n61_tmp.type != 0x7f) {
n61_sendack(n61_tmp.type, n61_tmp.dat[n61_tmp.size-1] & 0x0f);
if(n61_tmp.size > 1 && n61_tmp.dat[n61_tmp.size-2] != 0x01) {
n61_datp -= 4; // back up past checksums and seqinfo
n61_multiple = 0;
if(!n61_multiple || n61_tmp.type == 0x7f) {
n61_multiple = 0;
memcpy(&n61_buf, &n61_tmp, sizeof(struct N61_MESSAGE));
else {
// bad!
n61_multiple = 0;
n61_mode = N61MODE_SYNC;
void n61_getstatus()
unsigned char buf[32];
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x01;
buf[2] = 0x00;
buf[3] = 0x6d;
n61_sendmsg(0x11, 4, buf);
void n61_getsmsc()
unsigned char buf[32];
int x, n;
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x01;
buf[2] = 0x00;
buf[3] = 0x33;
buf[4] = 0x64;
buf[5] = 0x01;
// "do" or "try", there is no "do not"
while(1) {
// send off the request
n61_state = N61STATE_PROC;
n61_gotmsg = 0;
n61_waittype = 2;
n61_sendmsg(0x02, 6, buf);
if(n61_state == N61STATE_GOOD)
void n61_delsms(int x)
unsigned char buf[32];
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x01;
buf[2] = 0x00;
buf[3] = 0x0a;
buf[4] = 0x02;
buf[5] = x;
n61_sendmsg(0x14, 6, buf);
void n61_bcd(char *dest, char *s)
int size, x, y, n, hi, lo;
if(s[0] == '+') {
dest[1] = 0x91;
dest[1] = 0x81;
x = 0;
y = 2;
while(s[x]) {
lo = s[x++] - '0';
hi = s[x++] - '0';
hi = 0x0f;
n = (hi << 4) + lo;
dest[y++] = n;
dest[0] = y - 1;
void n61_bcd2(char *dest, char *s)
int size, x, y, n, hi, lo;
if(s[0] == '+') {
dest[1] = 0x91;
dest[1] = 0x81;
x = 0;
y = 2;
while(s[x]) {
lo = s[x++] - '0';
hi = s[x++] - '0';
hi = 0x0f;
n = (hi << 4) + lo;
dest[y++] = n;
dest[0] = strlen(s);
void n61_pack7(char *dest, char *s)
int len;
unsigned char c;
unsigned short *p, w;
int at;
int shift;
int n, x;
len = strlen(s);
x = (len * 8) / 7;
for(n = 0; n < x; ++n)
dest[n] = 0;
shift = 0;
at = 0;
w = 0;
for(n = 0; n < len; ++n) {
p = (unsigned short *)(dest + at);
w = n61_gettrans(s[n]) & 0x7f;
w <<= shift;
*p |= w;
shift += 7;
if(shift >= 8) {
shift &= 7;
int n61_smssendfull(char *smsc, char *dest, char *msg)
unsigned char buf[256];
int n;
// standard frame data header
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x01;
buf[2] = 0x00;
// send sms ?
buf[3] = 0x01;
buf[4] = 0x02;
buf[5] = 0x00;
// smsc
memset(buf + 6, 0, 12);
n61_bcd(buf + 6, smsc);
// TPDU ?
buf[18] = 0x11;
// misc
buf[19] = 0x00; // message ref
buf[20] = 0x00; // protocol ID
buf[21] = 0xf1; // data coding scheme (non-flash)
// message size
buf[22] = strlen(msg);
// destination
memset(buf + 23, 0, 12);
n61_bcd2(buf + 23, dest);
// validity period
buf[35] = N61VALID_24H;
// filler
buf[36] = 0;
buf[37] = 0;
buf[38] = 0;
buf[39] = 0;
buf[40] = 0;
buf[41] = 0;
// the string
n61_pack7(buf + 42, msg);
// try till we get some response
while(1) {
n61_state = N61STATE_PROC;
n61_gotmsg = 0;
n61_waittype = 1;
n61_sendmsg(0x02, 42 + strlen(msg), buf);
if(n61_state != N61STATE_PROC)
if(n61_state == N61STATE_GOOD)
return 1;
return 0;
int n61_smssend(char *dest, char *msg)
int n;
n = n61_smssendfull(n61_smsc, dest, msg);
return n;
void n61_addchar(char *str, char c)
int n;
n = strlen(str);
str[n] = c;
str[n+1] = 0;
char *n61_unbcd(unsigned char *dat)
static char buf[32];
int len;
int n, x;
buf[0] = 0;
len = dat[0];
if(dat[1] == 0x91) {
n61_addchar(buf, '+');
for(n = 0; n < len-1; ++n) {
x = dat[n+2] & 0x0f;
if(x < 10)
n61_addchar(buf, '0' + x);
x = (dat[n+2] >> 4) & 0x0f;
if(x < 10)
n61_addchar(buf, '0' + x);
return buf;
char *n61_unbcd2(unsigned char *dat)
static char buf[32];
int len;
int n, x;
int at;
buf[0] = 0;
len = dat[0];
if(dat[1] == 0x6f || dat[1] == 0x91) {
n61_addchar(buf, '+');
at = 2;
for(n = 0; n < len; ++n) {
x = dat[at] & 0x0f;
if(x < 10)
n61_addchar(buf, '0' + x);
if(!(n < len))
x = (dat[at] >> 4) & 0x0f;
if(x < 10)
n61_addchar(buf, '0' + x);
return buf;
char *n61_unpack7(unsigned char *dat, int len)
static char buf[256];
unsigned short *p, w;
unsigned char c;
int n;
int shift;
int at;
shift = 0;
at = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
for(n = 0; n < len; ++n) {
p = (unsigned short *)(dat + at);
w = *p;
w >>= shift;
c = w & 0x7f;
shift += 7;
if(shift & 8) {
shift &= 0x07;
n61_addchar(buf, n61_transtable[c]);
return buf;
void n61_procmsg(struct N61_MESSAGE *msg)
int n, subtype;
// check if this is a msg of interest
subtype = 0;
if(msg->type != 0x7f) {
if(msg->type == 0x02) {
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x02 || msg->dat[3] == 0x03)
subtype = 1;
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x10)
subtype = 2;
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x34)
subtype = 3;
if(subtype == n61_waittype)
n61_gotmsg = 1;
// act on it
switch(msg->type) {
// SMS
case 0x02:
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x02) {
n61_state = N61STATE_GOOD;
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x03) {
n61_state = N61STATE_BAD;
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x10) {
n61_addmsg(n61_unbcd2(msg->dat + 23), n61_unpack7(msg->dat + 42, msg->dat[22]));
// now delete the msg
if(msg->dat[3] == 0x34) {
n61_state = N61STATE_GOOD;
strcpy(n61_smsc, n61_unbcd(msg->dat+21));
case 0x7f:
if((msg->dat[1] & 7) == n61_prevseq)
n61_ack = 1;
void n61_init(int (*func)(int cmd, unsigned char c))
int n;
n61_seqnum = 0;
n61_serial = func;
n61_blocked = 0;
n61_msgqueuesize = 0;
n61_multiple = 0;
n61_readbase = 0;
// getsmsc
