Code: Select all
:bLClicked := { |r,c,f,oBrw| If( oBrw:MouseColPos( c ) == 1 , ;
If( ( f := AScan( oBrw:aSelected, oBrw:BookMark ) ) == 0, ;
AAdd( oBrw:aSelected, oBrw:BookMark ), ;
ADel( oBrw:aSelected, f, .t. ) ), Nil ), ;
oBrw:RefreshCurrent() }
:bKeyChar := { |k| If( k == VK_SPACE, ( oBrw:oCol( 1 ):CheckToggle(), oBrw:RefreshCurrent(), 0 ), nil ) }
:bLDblClick := { || oBrw:oCol( 1 ):CheckToggle(), oBrw:RefreshCurrent() }
:bClrStd := { || { CLR_BLACK, If( oBrw:oCol( 1 ):Value, 0x80ffff, CLR_WHITE ) } }
the :bLDblClick not execute the command and I cannot use vk_space to select the record
where is the error ?