I notices you on 27/07/2019 with a sample test , you told me that you had found the error and you would have sent the change, but I never knew anything again and on 07/10/2019
I sent Antonio the changes for the showpopup method. I was hoping that the changes had been included in the new package so by compiling the application
I was sure that the error did not come out, instead yesterday evening the error came out inexplicably and then after I checked the tbtnbmp class
and I realized that the changes were not been inserted.
I can't insert a minimal test here because for a number of things the problem probably comes up sometimes.
I sent you a rar compress file via wetransfer on 28 july 2019 with some src
Perhaps I can found the test or I must recreate it for you
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC