Does anybody out there has the correct connection string to make a MySQL Recordset to be "browseable" ??????
I have browsed recordsets of Oracle, ADS, Access, SQL Server, and ALL these using the very same methodology, I mean modifying the movement blocks for the browse, and all worked as expecte, exept mysql.
Any workaround ?
MySQL, ADO and Browse
Hi Rene
look this
This help you?
look this
Code: Select all
StrDatabase := [SGEA]
StrServer := []
StrUserID := [root]
StrUserPWD := [root]
StrTable := [pessoas]
StrField := [estado]
StrField2 := [nome]
StrWhere := StrField+[="PR"]
StrConnection := [driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};database=]+StrDatabase+[;server=]+StrServer+[;uid=]+StrUserID+[;pwd=]+StrUserPWD+[;option=35]
StrSqlCommand := [SELECT * FROM ] + StrTable + [ WHERE ] + StrWhere
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRS:CursorType := adOpenStatic
oRS:CursorLocation := adUseClient
oRS:LockType := adLockPessimistic
oRS:Open( StrSqlCommand, StrConnection, 1, 3 )