XBrowse error in GoRight method

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XBrowse error in GoRight method

Post by manuel_calero_solis »

There is an error in the movement between the columns of an Xbrowse with selection by columns.

The error occurs when you move to the right and instead of placing the focus in the next column on the right, the selected column returns a couple of columns to the left.

The error is in GoRight() method

Code: Select all

METHOD GoRight( lOffset, lRefresh )


      do while ! ::IsDisplayPosVisible( oCol:nPos, .t. ) .and. ::nColSel > ( ::nFreeze + 1 )


In this gif I show you the wrong behavior of XBrowse.

Set as being in the column "Total precios" the next to the right is "Propiedades", but nevertheless it goes to "Precio"


I hope that a solution can be found, it is a very bad experience for a user who wants to go to the next column and end up backing two.

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Re: XBrowse error in GoRight method

Post by ukoenig »

It seems, the problem still exists
it happens using the arrow-key. On mouseclick it works.
I need it to call a function on column-change using the arrow-key.
There is an error in the movement between the columns of an Xbrowse with selection by columns.
The error occurs when you move to the right and instead of placing the focus in the next column on the right,
the selected column returns a couple of columns to the left.
http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewt ... 79#p221679

I had a look at METHOD KeyDown

and added a message

METHOD KeyDown( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TXBrowse
case nKey == VK_RIGHT

if GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL )
MsgAlert( STR(nKey), "Go right" )
::GoRight() :!:

closing the message the cell is painted
without the message nothing happens


Uwe :?:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: XBrowse error in GoRight method

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr. Manuel

May I know which version of FWH are you using?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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