Text File (SOLVED)

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Jeff Barnes
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Text File (SOLVED)

Post by Jeff Barnes »

I have a text file the when opened with Notepad, all the data is strung together.
If I open the same file with UltraEdit it asks me "Do you want to convert test.asc to DOS format"
When I answer "yes" the data is separated into individual lines. This is what I am looking to get via code.

Does anyone know how I can do this conversion?
I want to be able to grab data via MemoLine() to get to the data I need.

Here is a sample of the text file (.asc) if anyone needs to see what I'm tallking about;
Last edited by Jeff Barnes on Wed May 31, 2017 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jeff Barnes

(FWH 12.01, xHarbour 1.2.1, Bcc582)
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Massimo Linossi
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Re: Text File

Post by Massimo Linossi »

In this file the end of line is a chr(10) and not a chr(13) + chr(10).
You can read it in this way.

Code: Select all

filename = "test.asc"

handle = fopen(filename)
stringa = space(500)
fread(handle, @stringa, 200)
if chr(13) + chr(10) $ stringa
    end_of_line = chr(13) + chr(10)
    if chr(13) $ stringa
        end_of_line = chr(13)
        end_of_line = chr(10)

handle = fopen(filename)
do while .t.
      stringa = space(500)
      if hb_freadline(handle, @stringa, { end_of_line },500 ) < 0

      //process stringa here

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Re: Text File

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Code: Select all

cText := memoread( cfile )
cText := StrTran( StrTran( cText, CRLF, Chr(10) ), Chr(10), CRLF )
MEMOWRIT( cFile, cText

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Jeff Barnes
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Re: Text File (SOLVED)

Post by Jeff Barnes »

Thank you. Works perfectly now :)
Jeff Barnes

(FWH 12.01, xHarbour 1.2.1, Bcc582)
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