Open Dialog always on second monitor

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Open Dialog always on second monitor

Post by ali »


Can sombody tell me how it is possible to start a FW Program alwas on the second monitor.

We have developed a Customer Display Programm. When the program is starting it must be displayed on the Customer Display (second monitor)

Thanks for your help.

Best regards
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Re: Open Dialog always on second monitor

Post by Otto »

Hello Aljoscha,
add the width of the first monitor to the coordinates of the window.
Best regards,

Top= 66
Left= 2000
Height= 866
Width= 3300
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Re: Open Dialog always on second monitor

Post by cnavarro »

Also, try with multiple monitors

Code: Select all

? GetSysMetrics(79), GetSysMetrics(78)
C. Navarro
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