I want use a file MDB on Xharbour( &fw) with ado or another class
I want open a table and make insert,mod,search and print
there is some example to make it ?
Ado & MDB
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- Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:55 pm
- Location: Southern California, USA
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First of all, you need to make sure MDAC is installed on your workstation. One way to do this is as follows:
Create a blank file with the extention .UDL (i.e. test.udl).
This file must be blank.
Either click on the file, or from the command prompt type
Start Test.udl
If a data connection wizard appears, then you have MDAC.
If this does not work, then download MDAC from the microsoft website.
btw, if you complete the connection wizard, it will place a valid ADO connection string in the (no longer empty) file. This can be utilized with your code.
Not tested code...
oRs := CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
oRs:CursorLocation := adUseClient
oRs:LockType := adLockOptimistic
oRs:CursorType := adOpenDynamic
oRs:ActiveConnection := 'your connection string copied from the UDL file'
oRs:Source := 'Select * from MyTable' // or other valid sql.
Once you have filled your recordset with data you can utilize the following methods to navigate, (much more information on the Web) Google search for 'ADO RecordSet'
oRs:MoveFirst() // DbGoTop()
oRs:MoveNext() // DbSkip()
oRs:MoveLast() // DbGoBottom()
oRs:AddNew() // DbAppend()
oRs:Update() // DbCommit() but is required to complete add.
oRs:Fields("MyCharField"):Value := 'MyValue'
I hope this helps get you started
might come in handy constants...
//---- FileOpenEnum Values ----
#define adOpenForwardOnly 0
#define adOpenKeyset 1
#define adOpenDynamic 2
#define adOpenStatic 3
//---- LockTypeEnum Values ----
#define adLockReadOnly 1
#define adLockPessimistic 2
#define adLockOptimistic 3
#define adLockBatchOptimistic 4
//---- CursorLocationEnum Values ----
#define adUseServer 2
#define adUseClient 3
//---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
#define adEmpty 0
#define adTinyInt 16
#define adSmallInt 2
#define adInteger 3
#define adBigInt 20
#define adUnsignedTinyInt 17
#define adUnsignedSmallInt 18
#define adUnsignedInt 19
#define adUnsignedBigInt 21
#define adSingle 4
#define adDouble 5
#define adCurrency 6
#define adDecimal 14
#define adNumeric 131
#define adBoolean 11
#define adError 10
#define adUserDefined 132
#define adVariant 12
#define adIDispatch 9
#define adIUnknown 13
#define adGUID 72
#define adDate 7
#define adDBDate 133
#define adDBTime 134
#define adDBTimeStamp 135
#define adBSTR 8
#define adChar 129
#define adVarChar 200
#define adLongVarChar 201
#define adWChar 130
#define adVarWChar 202
#define adLongVarWChar 203
#define adBinary 128
#define adVarBinary 204
#define adLongVarBinary 205
#define adChapter 136
#define adFileTime 64
#define adPropVariant 138
#define adVarNumeric 139
#define adArray &H2000
Create a blank file with the extention .UDL (i.e. test.udl).
This file must be blank.
Either click on the file, or from the command prompt type
Start Test.udl
If a data connection wizard appears, then you have MDAC.
If this does not work, then download MDAC from the microsoft website.
btw, if you complete the connection wizard, it will place a valid ADO connection string in the (no longer empty) file. This can be utilized with your code.
Not tested code...
oRs := CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
oRs:CursorLocation := adUseClient
oRs:LockType := adLockOptimistic
oRs:CursorType := adOpenDynamic
oRs:ActiveConnection := 'your connection string copied from the UDL file'
oRs:Source := 'Select * from MyTable' // or other valid sql.
Once you have filled your recordset with data you can utilize the following methods to navigate, (much more information on the Web) Google search for 'ADO RecordSet'
oRs:MoveFirst() // DbGoTop()
oRs:MoveNext() // DbSkip()
oRs:MoveLast() // DbGoBottom()
oRs:AddNew() // DbAppend()
oRs:Update() // DbCommit() but is required to complete add.
oRs:Fields("MyCharField"):Value := 'MyValue'
I hope this helps get you started
might come in handy constants...
//---- FileOpenEnum Values ----
#define adOpenForwardOnly 0
#define adOpenKeyset 1
#define adOpenDynamic 2
#define adOpenStatic 3
//---- LockTypeEnum Values ----
#define adLockReadOnly 1
#define adLockPessimistic 2
#define adLockOptimistic 3
#define adLockBatchOptimistic 4
//---- CursorLocationEnum Values ----
#define adUseServer 2
#define adUseClient 3
//---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
#define adEmpty 0
#define adTinyInt 16
#define adSmallInt 2
#define adInteger 3
#define adBigInt 20
#define adUnsignedTinyInt 17
#define adUnsignedSmallInt 18
#define adUnsignedInt 19
#define adUnsignedBigInt 21
#define adSingle 4
#define adDouble 5
#define adCurrency 6
#define adDecimal 14
#define adNumeric 131
#define adBoolean 11
#define adError 10
#define adUserDefined 132
#define adVariant 12
#define adIDispatch 9
#define adIUnknown 13
#define adGUID 72
#define adDate 7
#define adDBDate 133
#define adDBTime 134
#define adDBTimeStamp 135
#define adBSTR 8
#define adChar 129
#define adVarChar 200
#define adLongVarChar 201
#define adWChar 130
#define adVarWChar 202
#define adLongVarWChar 203
#define adBinary 128
#define adVarBinary 204
#define adLongVarBinary 205
#define adChapter 136
#define adFileTime 64
#define adPropVariant 138
#define adVarNumeric 139
#define adArray &H2000
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
Byron Hopp
Matrix Computer Services
I try this
Now I must convert the EditClient( oLbx, .t. ) function but I cannot How I can make it
this the code
Code: Select all
function Prodotti()
local oBCli , oWChld ,oDlg ,oWnd ,oLbx
Local oDbf
local aData := {}
Local nFor, oOdbc
oOdbc := TOdbc():New("Database di Microsoft Access", "", "")
If !oOdbc:lSuccess
oOdbc:ShowErrorList("Sessione ODBC non inizializzata , Errore...")
return nil
// Apro la tabella direttamente
oDbf := TDbOdbcDirect():new( "SELECT * FROM prodotti" , oOdbc)
if oOdbc:IsError()
oOdbc:aErrors := {}
return nil
// Creo il list box e i bottoni
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 3, 3 TO 28, 79 TITLE "Gestione Prodotti"
@ 0, 1 SAY " &Demo" OF oDlg
@ 1, 1 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS str(oDbf:FieldGet(1)), oDbf:FieldGet(2),oDbf:FieldGet(5) ;
HEADER "ID", "Codice", "Prodotto" ;
SIZE 284, 137 OF oDlg
@ 9, 1 BUTTON "&Nuovo" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 action EditClient( oLbx, .t. )
@ 9, 8 BUTTON "&Modifica" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12
@ 9, 15 BUTTON "&Cancella" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12
@ 9, 22 BUTTON "&Ricerca" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12
@ 9, 29 BUTTON "&Stampa" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12
@ 9, 40 BUTTON "&Uscita" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() SIZE 40, 12
Now I must convert the EditClient( oLbx, .t. ) function but I cannot How I can make it
this the code
Code: Select all
static function EditClient( oLbx, lAppend )
local cName
local cAddress
local cPhone
local nOldRec := RecNo()
DEFAULT lAppend := .f.
if lAppend
cName = Clientes->Nombre && field0001
cAddress = Clientes->Direccion && field0002
cPhone = Clientes->Telefono && field0003
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 8, 2 TO 25, 65 ;
TITLE If( lAppend, "New Customer", "Customer Update" )
@ 1, 1 SAY "&Name:" OF oDlg
@ 1, 6 GET cName OF oDlg
@ 2, 1 SAY "&Address:" OF oDlg
@ 2, 6 GET cAddress OF oDlg
@ 3.5, 23 SAY "&Phone:" OF oDlg
@ 4, 21 GET cPhone OF oDlg SIZE 60, 11 PICTURE "@R 99-999-9999999"
@ 6, 9 BUTTON "&Acept" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 12 ACTION ( lSave := .t. , oDlg:End() )
@ 6, 19 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 12 ACTION oDlg:End()
if lSave .and. !empty( cName )
if lAppend
Clientes->Nombre := cName
Clientes->Direccion := cAddress
Clientes->Telefono := cPhone
oLbx:Refresh() // We want the ListBox to be repainted
if Empty( cName ) .and. lSave
MsgAlert( "Please write a name" )
GOTO nOldRec
return nil