Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

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The Real Fasi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by The Real Fasi »

Nice thanks
what do u think about the function "Upper" and "Lower to the right click popupmenu from the mouse

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Antonio Linares »


1) I had no need to manually modify any *.hbp or *.env files. I simply specified these flags from the flags dialog:


2) I have not built hbide on OSX. I simply used WinBottler to run a Windows EXE (hbide) on OSX :-)

3) Once we know where to download from the required QT files for OSX and Linux, it should be quite straightforward to build it for those platforms :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Andrés González wrote: Second, could you please say how you did to build hbide in a mac OSx from the svn ?
Thirst, the same, how to build hbide in windows?
Perhaps these questions should be asked on Harbour's developer list. I am sure many would have already done it and could extend you the help.
Pritpal Congratulations excellent work, but I suggest you to include the configuration files from different compilers like UEStudio do. For instance Harbour, xHarbour Fivewin, minigw ... would help a lot and saves hours of forums. Just changing this files will save a lot of time.
It is really hard for me to dig into other compiler details. Someone has to come forward.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

The Real Fasi wrote: what do u think about the function "Upper" and "Lower to the right click popupmenu from the mouse
Then there will be many requests like this to include some more options in context-menu.
In general context-menu must be conscise and very relevant to frequent used operations.
In hbIDE it has already grown beyong my original intent already, so no plans to host your request.

BTW left-toolbar is pretty handy to approach once you have finished copy operation.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »


about context-menu, maybe in the future this can be configurable (section) like a tools to add and remove functionality by the user, idea only :-)

many thanks again for your work


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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Marcelo Via Giglio wrote: about context-menu, maybe in the future this can be configurable (section) like a tools to add and remove functionality by the user, idea only :-)
Yep, this is possible.
Soon I will implement this feature.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Andrés González
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Andrés González »

Thanks Pritpal, I'll do in the developer group.

Andrés González desde Mallorca
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Antonio Linares »


To build Harbour for OSX you can follow the FiveTech wiki documentation:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Hello Everybody

A new version is available for download which implements latest ChangeLog entry:

2010-06-13 19:27 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
* contrib/hbide/resources/curlinehilight.png
+ contrib/hbide/resources/horzruler.png
* contrib/hbide/resources/togglelinenumber.png
* contrib/hbide/resources/toolsutilities.ui
* contrib/hbide/resources/toolsutilities.uic
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.ui
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.uic

* contrib/hbqt/qth/HBQPlainTextEdit.qth
* contrib/hbqt/qth/QTableWidget.qth
- contrib/hbqt/qth/HBQSyntaxHighLighter.qth
+ contrib/hbqt/qth/HBQSyntaxHighlighter.qth

* contrib/hbqt/doc/en/class_hbqplaintextedit.txt
* contrib/hbqt/doc/en/class_hbqsyntaxhighlighter.txt
* contrib/hbqt/qtgui/HBQPlainTextEdit.cpp
* contrib/hbqt/qtgui/QTableWidget.cpp
* contrib/hbqt/qtgui/THBQPlainTextEdit.prg
* contrib/hbqt/qtgui/HBQSyntaxHighlighter.cpp
* contrib/hbqt/qtgui/THBQSyntaxHighlighter.prg

* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqplaintextedit.cpp
* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqplaintextedit.h
* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqsyntaxhighlighter.cpp
* contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqsyntaxhighlighter.h

* contrib/hbide/hbide.hbp

* contrib/hbide/

* contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
+ contrib/hbide/idedict.prg
* contrib/hbide/idedocks.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideedit.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideeditor.prg
* contrib/hbide/idemisc.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideobject.prg
* contrib/hbide/idesaveload.prg
* contrib/hbide/ideshortcuts.prg
* contrib/hbide/idestylesheets.prg
* contrib/hbide/idethemes.prg
* contrib/hbide/idetools.prg

% Widened padding for menubar prompts to show up at a proper distance.

+ Controlled "RETURN" keyword not to jump to first indentation place,
with env variable - HBIDE_RETURN_ATBEGINING=yes. Scheduled to be
included in "Setup" interface.

+ Allowed hbIDE execution with any text type file. It was accepting .PRG.CPP only.

+ Broadened the scope of keyword coloring for any case, mixed or absolute.
It was all lower or all upper previously.

+ Prepared ground for user defined keywords through user dictionaries.

+ Added new flags in "Setup" dialog ( yet not active ).
Please have a look into the contents of different pages and
let me know what else can qualify to be included therein.

+ More macro for Tools parameter - ${source_fullname_less_ext}

% Tools & Utilities dialog made modeless. At times it is desirable
to execute a tool multiple times and also to gather output logs.

+ Tools & Utilities dialog now remembers its last opened position.

+ Implemented: user-configurable 5 toolbars which can be populated
through Tool & Utilities interface. Invoke "Tools & Utilities"
interface and play with the toolbars. You will find it really
rewarding. I am also trying to find a way to hook
"Kayboard Mappings" macros to be included under this interface.
Your input is welcome. I will write the help in about a week,
but interface is straight enough to grab/grasp/use.

+ Implemented: to switch on/off horizontal ruler.

+ Implemented: to remember the last settings for next run for
Horizontal Ruler, Line Numbers display and Current Line highlighting.

COMING UP: User defined dictionaries for Syntax Highlighting, Code completion, Intellisense - tooltip, Case Conversion etc.
Ground is ready, looking for the interface to hook into.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »


Latest version of hbIDE is available from

The ChangeLog entries making upto this distro:

2010-06-16 09:56 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
* contrib/hbide/resources/hbide.png
* contrib/hbide/hbide.ico
% Changed: hbide icon to Harbour's logo.

* contrib/hbide/ideharbourhelp.prg
* contrib/hbide/idesaveload.prg
! Fixed: a rare occured GPF reported by Itamar.

2010-06-15 19:02 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.ui
* contrib/hbide/resources/setup.uic
* contrib/hbide/
* contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
* contrib/hbide/idedocks.prg
* contrib/hbide/idesaveload.prg
* contrib/hbide/idestylesheets.prg
+ Implemented: OS system themes via "Setup" dialog.
Animation mode and system theme ( both settable via "Setup" )
are remembered for next run. Please do not set "macintosh" theme
on windows machines, it GPF's.

% Enhanced: "Setup" dialog with fields to hold settings for
variety of actions. Please have a look into them and propose more.
Currently only Theme and Animation mode, two actions are active
in real-time.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Baxajaun »

Hi Pritpal,

thanks in advance for your great work.

Can we translate hbIDE to other languages ? What do you think about it ?


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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Baxajaun wrote: Can we translate hbIDE to other languages ? What do you think about it ?
What you mean by "translate" ?

If I could understand properly, do you mean to say,
if hbIDE can be "coded" in other language as is ?
If yes, the answer is YES. Afterall, Qt calls the OS API
on which it is running.

And if you are asking about the usage of hbIDE for
projects management for other languages, the answer is yes.
For example Antonio has showerd how to compile FWH buildh.bat,
in another thread.

Please be a little explanatory.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Baxajaun »

Hi Pritpal.

i refer to languages such us Spanish, French, German, etc ...


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Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by Pritpal Bedi »

Baxajaun wrote: i refer to languages such us Spanish, French, German, etc ...
How wrong I was understanding your question, though it was so simple.

I did not tested but probably you can do.
Try to set codec from <Setup><Encodeing> and try for yourself.
I think it should work, though I have no experience.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
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Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH

Post by norberto »

Hi , hbide works fine on windows 7 32bits? i try to modify parameters, but the buttons dont work, dont save my changes... thanks
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