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New Preview

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:43 am
by Silvio
Dear Antonio,

I'll like to have many class or func:

>Calcprint ( calc with print paper on video)

>Ocr class

>a new preview with :
visualization on 4/6/8/10 pages
save on graphics and doc formats (bmp, jpg,...pdf,rtf)
zoom percentual ( 10,25,50,75,100,200,400)
rules and margins modify with a mouse click
show the preview on all screen
show at left small pictures of preview pages as into pdf program

>Form and paper designer class

>Install class

>Circular barcode class

Can I see on the future versions of fwh ?


Re: New Preview

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:21 am
by R.F.
Silvio wrote:
I'll like to have many class or func:

>Calcprint ( calc with print paper on video)
This not dificult to build, you can do it by yourself.
Silvio wrote: >Ocr class
Don't know if already someone had developed it, It could be implemented via an OCX.
Silvio wrote: >a new preview with :
visualization on 4/6/8/10 pages
save on graphics and doc formats (bmp, jpg,...pdf,rtf)
zoom percentual ( 10,25,50,75,100,200,400)
rules and margins modify with a mouse click
show the preview on all screen
show at left small pictures of preview pages as into pdf program
Some features you mention are already implemented in Timm's EasyPreview
Silvio wrote: >Form and paper designer class
Already implemented in EasyReport
Silvio wrote: >Install class
Not needed, the most of us use Inno-Setup for installation, it let you handle ALL the features of installing application, including creation of INI files, Registry modification, registration of COM or OCX components, all these for free.
Silvio wrote: >Circular barcode class
I think there should be a FONT you can purchase for this task, there are plenty of Bar code fonts for sale.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:11 am
by Silvio
Dear Rene,
Calcprint is oK

I used Easyreport and EastPreview but is too, is much too difficult create a report
If you want create a special report for a program is too difficult to create it and I cannot have time to it , I want a simply class to insert alsio into all my program

The Inno Setup is Delphi program and not it Fivewin Program . We must use another language or can I use only FIVEWIN ( Xharbour harbour c files )

Ocr is difficult to create but it is not important I think in future to see it on fw

For the Circular Barcode I asked help to EMG or all Fw user to modifiy the Barcode class of cayeatno or bacode class of Timm but None help me
I not Think it can create with fonts : i not found nothing on internet ...

on topic on thid forum there is write " TO DO - WISH" and I think . I 'll wish these things...And I wrote TO Antonio not to YOU mr Rene.....if you are good guru ok , I am not a guru...

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:05 pm
by Timm Sodtalbers
Hi Silvio,
I used Easyreport and EastPreview but is too, is much too difficult create a report
If you want create a special report for a program is too difficult to create it and I cannot have time to it , I want a simply class to insert alsio into all my program
could you discribe the kind of report you want to create?
EasyReport is a very flexible friend and I canĀ“t believe that
it does not fit your needs. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:05 pm
by Silvio
I send U on private email 3 files IPG
I try to create it last year then I had create another different print

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:54 pm
by James Bott

>The Inno Setup is Delphi program and not it Fivewin Program . We must use another language or can I use only FIVEWIN ( Xharbour harbour c files )

I'm not sure what you are asking. Inno Setup is a program that lets you build setup.exe programs for applications written in any language. All you do is build a script to tell it Inno Setup what files to include and any other special things you want it to do. Then in compiles all the files and special instructions into a setup.exe program.

I have been using it for years (with FW). Nice!


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:53 pm
by Silvio
ok james INNO is ok

BUT why WE must go to take a delphi program ?

We can create our fw/(x)harbour Install program ....

What do you think about it ?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:44 pm
by James Bott

>ok james INNO is ok

>BUT why WE must go to take a delphi program ?

>We can create our fw/(x)harbour Install program ....

>What do you think about it ?

I'm sure you could, but why spend hundreds of hours creating software that you can get for free?


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:15 am
by Silvio
Can We make it for the our community....
