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Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:42 am
by Romano
Un saluto a tutto il Forum.
Sto provando i primi passi con Harbour 6.12 e non riesco ad ottenere un browsing di un Dbf, anche con un semplice :
USE Test
Return nil.
Ottengo solo un inesorabile : Error Base/1081 Argument error: + From Errorsys, Line 0.
Successivamente si apre il Browse, ma senza far vedere i dati, e si pianta tutto.
Devo sbloccare con Ctrl+Alt+Canc.
Sono un principiante scoraggiato. Aiuto
Un grazie anticipato.
Giuseppe Romano

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:00 am
by Antonio Linares

Please add:

#include ""

at the top of the PRG file

You may also review FWH\samples\fwbrow.prg and TestXBrw.prg

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:02 pm
by Romano
I had already put "". I have compiled FwBrow.prg and TestBrw.prg, but I always get the same error at running.
It seems due to DBF file opening. The rest of the application is all OK.
Thank you, best regards
Giuseppe Romano

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:05 pm
by Romano
Antonio scusa,
volevo dire #include ""

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:02 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please post here the error.log file contents that you get, thanks :-)

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:49 am
by Romano
sorry, I don't find some error.log , but only CLIP.LOG ; COMP.LOG and MAKE.LOG in FWH\SAMPLES Folder after compiling FWBROW.PRG. The application (FWBROW.EXE) starts and runs, but when I open the browse, a MsgStop "Error base/1081" appears and jams everything.
Thanks for your help
Best regards

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:11 am
by Antonio Linares

"Error base/1081" means:
BASE/1081 "Argument error: +"

Have you modified the DBFs ? Are you using the original ones distributed with 6.12 ?

Anyhow, we are going to install 6.12 and test that sample again and we will let you know our results

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:15 pm
by Romano
no, I have not modified the DBFs, and I use the original ones distributed with 6.12.
I have also tried on another pc, but I have gotten the same error.
I attend confident the results of your test.

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:31 pm
by Antonio Linares

Please download FWH 6.12 FiveH.lib from here:

and replace yours with it (FWH\lib\Fiveh.lib), and try samples\fwbrow.prg again, thanks :-)

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:56 am
by Romano
now FwBrow is OK and run. I also tested with success the following .PRGs :
- TestBrw
- Browse
- Customer
- TestBrow
- LbxDraw
- TestBrwa
- ToolBar1
While for these other ones the same error is occurred always (Error Base/1081) :
- Enrico
- Moon
- Mallorca
- Dbf01
- TestRpt2
But now I have enought material to study.... I will disturb in the future still you, to have your suggestions.
Grazie mille e cordiali saluti

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

Glad to know that it is working fine for you :-)

Anyhow we are going to review those examples that you mentioned.

You are really welcome to post all your questions in these forums :-)

Re: Harbour 6.12 for free

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:46 pm
by Romano
thanks so many again
Giuseppe :P