Windows 8.1 optional start screen ?

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Antonio Linares
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Windows 8.1 optional start screen ?

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: Windows 8.1 optional start screen ?

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I am hoping Microsoft will come to their senses. I have seen many articles mentioning how new pc sales ( includes laptops ) have dropped significantly and one of the arguments ( along with the flood of tablets ) has to do with Windows 8 and the introduction of the tiles start up and unfamiliar desktop layout.. has soured many consumers.

I would not be surprised if Microsoft modifies SP1 to include booting directly to the desktop, I only hope that they take it to the next logical step and add the start button and program menu's back to the OS.

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Re: Windows 8.1 optional start screen ?

Post by Rick Lipkin »


As a post script to my last post .. found this article on today .. kinda sums it up for Windows 8. ... p=features

Rick Lipkin
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Windows 8.1 optional start screen ?

Post by Antonio Linares »


Some of us announced this. Anyhow I think Microsoft still can correct this, and deliver what users want :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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