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ResEdit - Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:51 am
by Baxajaun

si queréis evitar este error en vuestros desarrollos, evitaría usar ficheros *.res para construir
las aplicaciones. Os recomiendo usar ficheros *.res sólo para generar los ficheros *.rc.
Estos últimos son los que usaremos para construir los ejecutables.

Esta es mi pequeña experiencia y os la hago llegar.


if you want to avoid this error in your developments, I would avoid using * .res files to build
the applications. I recommend using * .res files only to generate the * .rc files.
The latter are the ones we will use to build the executables.

This is my little experience and I'll send it to you.


Re: ResEdit - Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:49 pm
by Rick Lipkin

I have seen an error similar to 'unsupported 16 bit resource in file' .. don't remember how I fixed that .. however, I work always in .rc and create all my forms in .rc. At compile time I use a simple batch file to copy all the .rc files together into a single monolithic .rc and then compile that single .rc to .res and it is the .res file that gets compiled into my application ..

Here is a sample batch file that I use to manage the above process .. note that I am using the Borland 7.3 compiler:


Code: Select all

@Echo Off



C:\BORLAND\BCC73\BIN\brcc32 -iC:\BORLAND\BCC73\include -v -iC:\BORLAND\BCC73\include\dinkumware -iC:\BORLAND\BCC73\include\windows\sdk HoaW32.Rc >Rick.Txt

del *.iL?
del *.map
del *.obj
del *.~rc
del *.rws
:del *.res
del *.tds
echo done!
If something goes wrong I review the redirected file Rick.Txt... then I just add HoaW32.Res to my compile and link script .. Done!

Rick Lipkin

Re: ResEdit - Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:32 pm
by Baxajaun
Hi Rick,

thanks a lot for the tip.

Best regards