New FTDN November/Noviembre 2007 (7.11)
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:43 am
November 2007
* New: Office 2007 look for the menus! Please review samples\Test2007.prg
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TToolBar. Thanks to Moises!
* Enhancement: Class TBar and TMsgBar were not evaluating ::bPainted if 2007 was used. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TControl regarding ::bMMoved use.
* Fix: FixSays() was not properly managing all types of icons. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse Method SetRdd( [lAddColumns] ), now you can provide a lAddColumns parameter as .F. (it is .T. by default) to avoid the automatic creation of the browse columns from the DBF in use.
* Enhancement: Class TBar no longer draws an invert rect when the mouse is clicked over it.
* Fix: Class TListBox Method DrawItem() was wrongly calling LbxDrawItem() Method when a POPUP MENU is on top. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method GoUp(). Thanks to Carlos Mora!
* Fix: Bitmaps were not properly centered on BtnBmps when a popup was used with the BtnBmp. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TBtnBmp supports multiple lines of text as the button prompt, using CRLFs.
* New: FWPPC, samples\Gps.prg shows how to use the GPS with FiveWin for Pocket PC. Many thanks to Salvador Gallardo!
* New: Class TBtnBmp() Method ShowPopup(), lets you show the popup of the BtnBmp object, if a popup for it is defined, as the action of the button. Please review samples\Test2007.prg
* New: xHarbour new build requires to link pcrepos.lib. If you are using a makefile or a bat file of your own, please include that library.
* Enhancement: Class TWindow Methods GoNextCtrl() and GoPrevCtrl() now work on windows (main or mdichilds) too.
* New: Built-in Print Preview automatically uses Office 2007 look if such style is used on the main window buttonbar.
* New: Class TControl Method SysChar( nKey, nFlags ). Please review samples\TestMdiR.prg and check the controls Alt+... accelerators.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse several fixes.
* Enhancement: Please notice that has been modified due to recent changes in Harbour. Please use this new Also if you are using your own ErrSysW.prg module, please notice there are some new lines at the bottom of the FWH's one that you have to copy to yours.
* New: Office 2007 look for the menus! Please review samples\Test2007.prg
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TToolBar. Thanks to Moises!
* Enhancement: Class TBar and TMsgBar were not evaluating ::bPainted if 2007 was used. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TControl regarding ::bMMoved use.
* Fix: FixSays() was not properly managing all types of icons. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse Method SetRdd( [lAddColumns] ), now you can provide a lAddColumns parameter as .F. (it is .T. by default) to avoid the automatic creation of the browse columns from the DBF in use.
* Enhancement: Class TBar no longer draws an invert rect when the mouse is clicked over it.
* Fix: Class TListBox Method DrawItem() was wrongly calling LbxDrawItem() Method when a POPUP MENU is on top. Now it is ok.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method GoUp(). Thanks to Carlos Mora!
* Fix: Bitmaps were not properly centered on BtnBmps when a popup was used with the BtnBmp. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TBtnBmp supports multiple lines of text as the button prompt, using CRLFs.
* New: FWPPC, samples\Gps.prg shows how to use the GPS with FiveWin for Pocket PC. Many thanks to Salvador Gallardo!
* New: Class TBtnBmp() Method ShowPopup(), lets you show the popup of the BtnBmp object, if a popup for it is defined, as the action of the button. Please review samples\Test2007.prg
* New: xHarbour new build requires to link pcrepos.lib. If you are using a makefile or a bat file of your own, please include that library.
* Enhancement: Class TWindow Methods GoNextCtrl() and GoPrevCtrl() now work on windows (main or mdichilds) too.
* New: Built-in Print Preview automatically uses Office 2007 look if such style is used on the main window buttonbar.
* New: Class TControl Method SysChar( nKey, nFlags ). Please review samples\TestMdiR.prg and check the controls Alt+... accelerators.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse several fixes.
* Enhancement: Please notice that has been modified due to recent changes in Harbour. Please use this new Also if you are using your own ErrSysW.prg module, please notice there are some new lines at the bottom of the FWH's one that you have to copy to yours.