FTDN new July 2006 build / nuevo build de Julio 2006
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:25 am
July 2006 build
* New: FWPPC, Class TPanel. Please review samples\TestPane.prg.
* Enhancement: calldll.c variables are declared as static. This may solve some random problems when accessing DLLs. Thanks to Ron Christie!
* New: FWPPC, DLL FUNCTION command is already using the provided parameters. Please review samples\DynDll.prg
* Enhancement: WriteComm() now works sinchronously, waiting until all bytes are written. Thanks to Enrico!
* Enhancement: Class TTreeView, default nClrBack set to GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ).
* Fix: spanish prev32sp.dll was not properly implementing the preview cursor (magnifying glass). Now it is ok.
* New: Class TDbCombo Method Update(), to automatically refresh the items from the associated DBF.
* New: FWPPC, samples\menus.prg shows how to use several main menus from an application.
* New: FWPPC, samples\MenuBmp.prg shows how to use bitmaps on menus.
* Fix: Minor fix on cFilePath() when providing empty paths.
* New: Class TToolBar Methods HideButton( nButton ) and ShowButton( nButton ).
* New: FWPPC, OemToAnsi() and AnsiToOem() are already available. Please review source\classes\OemAnsiP.prg to adapt it to your own language settings.
* New: We officially announce FWPPC 1.0. From this moment on, FWPPC users will have two more months of free upgrades.
* New: DropDown Menus support for toolbar buttons. Please review samples\ToolBar1.prg
* New: ToolBars Method IsButtonHidden( nButton ). Thanks to Patricio Avalos!
* New: Class TAnimate Method CopyInternet(). Please review samples\Win32.prg for a working sample.
* Fix: FWH Microsoft build is properly working. It was reporting a missing external.
* Enhancement: FWH Class TActiveX have been improved on parameters by reference support.
* New: Class TComboBox Method CtlColor(). Thanks to Enrico!
* Fix: FWH Class TActiveX was receiving a duplicated amount of events parameters. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: function IsAppThemed() now also detects if an external manifest file exists: [application name].exe.manifest
* New: FWH function SetEventParam( <pParams>, <nParam>, <uValue> ) lets you change an event parameter provided by reference. Please review samples\WebExp.prg for a working sample.
* Enhancement: Menus checked menuitems don't show a border around the check.
* New: FWPPC, Class TPanel. Please review samples\TestPane.prg.
* Enhancement: calldll.c variables are declared as static. This may solve some random problems when accessing DLLs. Thanks to Ron Christie!
* New: FWPPC, DLL FUNCTION command is already using the provided parameters. Please review samples\DynDll.prg
* Enhancement: WriteComm() now works sinchronously, waiting until all bytes are written. Thanks to Enrico!
* Enhancement: Class TTreeView, default nClrBack set to GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ).
* Fix: spanish prev32sp.dll was not properly implementing the preview cursor (magnifying glass). Now it is ok.
* New: Class TDbCombo Method Update(), to automatically refresh the items from the associated DBF.
* New: FWPPC, samples\menus.prg shows how to use several main menus from an application.
* New: FWPPC, samples\MenuBmp.prg shows how to use bitmaps on menus.
* Fix: Minor fix on cFilePath() when providing empty paths.
* New: Class TToolBar Methods HideButton( nButton ) and ShowButton( nButton ).
* New: FWPPC, OemToAnsi() and AnsiToOem() are already available. Please review source\classes\OemAnsiP.prg to adapt it to your own language settings.
* New: We officially announce FWPPC 1.0. From this moment on, FWPPC users will have two more months of free upgrades.
* New: DropDown Menus support for toolbar buttons. Please review samples\ToolBar1.prg
* New: ToolBars Method IsButtonHidden( nButton ). Thanks to Patricio Avalos!
* New: Class TAnimate Method CopyInternet(). Please review samples\Win32.prg for a working sample.
* Fix: FWH Microsoft build is properly working. It was reporting a missing external.
* Enhancement: FWH Class TActiveX have been improved on parameters by reference support.
* New: Class TComboBox Method CtlColor(). Thanks to Enrico!
* Fix: FWH Class TActiveX was receiving a duplicated amount of events parameters. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: function IsAppThemed() now also detects if an external manifest file exists: [application name].exe.manifest
* New: FWH function SetEventParam( <pParams>, <nParam>, <uValue> ) lets you change an event parameter provided by reference. Please review samples\WebExp.prg for a working sample.
* Enhancement: Menus checked menuitems don't show a border around the check.