New FTDN July 2017 (FWH 17.07)
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:19 am
July 2017
- Fix: METHOD SetMsgLang() not working. Fixed.
- Fix: RowSet METHOD EditBaseRecord(): Not working
correctly when a unique field value is changed. Fixed. ... =3&t=34289
* New: Class TCalex from Daniel García Gil, with enhancements from
Cristobal Navarro has been included in FWH, with Daniel authorization.
Please review samples\sample01.prg
* BtnBmp: New DATA bBmpNo: It is possible to add 4 bitmaps to BtnBmp
control. The class decides which bitmap to be shown based on the state
of the control i.e., Active, Pressed, MouseOver. If bBmpNo is specified
the bitmap number returned by the codeblock when evaluated with oBtn as
parameter is displayed. ... =3&t=34383
* Brush: New DATA lClientArea (default .f.): Resizeable brushes (gradients
and images) are by default resized to fit client rect. If it is required
to resize to fit client area (excluding oTop(oBar), oLeft, oBottom(msgbar),
and oRight), lClientArea may be set to .T.
* Window.prg: Improved method Gradient()
1. Gradient now matches size of client rect
2. Gradient now resizes when window/dialog is resized ... =3&t=34373
- bBarGetValid was not working. Fixed. Now working
- Exiting inline EditGet with TAB key is not saving data uniformly. Was
saving character values, not saving dates and integers, saving only
integer part of decimal numbers ignoring decimals. Fixed now.
* XBREPORT: Fixed resource leakage
New Methods:
- Record( [cFieldList], [lNew] ) --> RecordObject for edit/save
Note: RecordObject is TDataRow object
- Edit( [cFieldList], [lNew] ) --> Edit Dialog for editing/saving a record
- Update( aFlds, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Modifies an existing record, writing aVals to corresponding aFlds
Alternative Syntaxes:
Update( cFieldList, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Update( aVals ) // aVals written to fields 1,2, .etc
Update( aFldVal ) // aFldVal can be 2 dim array of fields and vals
Fields can be by number or names.
- Append() method now returns lSuccess and as usual appends blank
- Append( aFlds, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Appends and writes aVals to aFlds
Alternative Syntaxes are like Update method.
- Record Object handles Calculated columns and Aliased column names
- Method BookMark is now modified as SETGET method.
- New Data: bEdit (format { |oRec|UserEdit( oRec ) } ) for user edit
instead of default edit procedure.
- Enhancement: Method SqlQuery() uses VFPOLEDB is installed for DBFCDX.
- Added DESTRUCTOR method. oDbf := nil closes table and connections.
- Fixed: increase font resources
- Updated function GetnHeightItem(): value initial per default 2.075
Setting a lower value causes an reduction in height of the item,
with limit of GetSysmetrics (15)
Setting a higher value produces a increase in item height
- Added parameter lPop to METHOD AddEdit, for use as MENU POPUP
AddEdit( aColors, cFile, cRes, lPop )
Function MyEditMnu( nR, nC, nF, oDlg )
local oMnu
Return oMnu
Applies to comboboxes created from Source and Resources:
- New clause ITEMHEIGHT <nHt>
Sets height of items displayed in dropdown
- New clause SELHEIGHT <nHt>
Sets height of selection box (get box)
- New clause LISTWIDTH (or) DROPWIDTH <nWidth>
Sets width of drop down list box.
- These settings can also be changed/reset at runtime
using the SETGET datas:
oCbx:nItemHeight := <nNewVal> // NIL resets to default
oCbx:nSelectionHeight := <nNewVal> // NIL resets
oCbx:nDropWidth := <nNewVal> // reset does not work
- New clause [ DIRECTORY <cDirectory> [ATTRIB <nAttr>] ;
[SAYDIR oSay] ]
Displays files in the directory. In this case
aItems is forced empty. Contents of the directory are
displayed in the listbox.
See \fwh\samples\combodir.prg
- Fix: METHOD SetMsgLang() not working. Fixed.
- Fix: RowSet METHOD EditBaseRecord(): Not working
correctly when a unique field value is changed. Fixed. ... =3&t=34289
* New: Class TCalex from Daniel García Gil, with enhancements from
Cristobal Navarro has been included in FWH, with Daniel authorization.
Please review samples\sample01.prg
* BtnBmp: New DATA bBmpNo: It is possible to add 4 bitmaps to BtnBmp
control. The class decides which bitmap to be shown based on the state
of the control i.e., Active, Pressed, MouseOver. If bBmpNo is specified
the bitmap number returned by the codeblock when evaluated with oBtn as
parameter is displayed. ... =3&t=34383
* Brush: New DATA lClientArea (default .f.): Resizeable brushes (gradients
and images) are by default resized to fit client rect. If it is required
to resize to fit client area (excluding oTop(oBar), oLeft, oBottom(msgbar),
and oRight), lClientArea may be set to .T.
* Window.prg: Improved method Gradient()
1. Gradient now matches size of client rect
2. Gradient now resizes when window/dialog is resized ... =3&t=34373
- bBarGetValid was not working. Fixed. Now working
- Exiting inline EditGet with TAB key is not saving data uniformly. Was
saving character values, not saving dates and integers, saving only
integer part of decimal numbers ignoring decimals. Fixed now.
* XBREPORT: Fixed resource leakage
New Methods:
- Record( [cFieldList], [lNew] ) --> RecordObject for edit/save
Note: RecordObject is TDataRow object
- Edit( [cFieldList], [lNew] ) --> Edit Dialog for editing/saving a record
- Update( aFlds, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Modifies an existing record, writing aVals to corresponding aFlds
Alternative Syntaxes:
Update( cFieldList, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Update( aVals ) // aVals written to fields 1,2, .etc
Update( aFldVal ) // aFldVal can be 2 dim array of fields and vals
Fields can be by number or names.
- Append() method now returns lSuccess and as usual appends blank
- Append( aFlds, aVals ) --> lSuccess
Appends and writes aVals to aFlds
Alternative Syntaxes are like Update method.
- Record Object handles Calculated columns and Aliased column names
- Method BookMark is now modified as SETGET method.
- New Data: bEdit (format { |oRec|UserEdit( oRec ) } ) for user edit
instead of default edit procedure.
- Enhancement: Method SqlQuery() uses VFPOLEDB is installed for DBFCDX.
- Added DESTRUCTOR method. oDbf := nil closes table and connections.
- Fixed: increase font resources
- Updated function GetnHeightItem(): value initial per default 2.075
Setting a lower value causes an reduction in height of the item,
with limit of GetSysmetrics (15)
Setting a higher value produces a increase in item height
- Added parameter lPop to METHOD AddEdit, for use as MENU POPUP
AddEdit( aColors, cFile, cRes, lPop )
Function MyEditMnu( nR, nC, nF, oDlg )
local oMnu
Return oMnu
Applies to comboboxes created from Source and Resources:
- New clause ITEMHEIGHT <nHt>
Sets height of items displayed in dropdown
- New clause SELHEIGHT <nHt>
Sets height of selection box (get box)
- New clause LISTWIDTH (or) DROPWIDTH <nWidth>
Sets width of drop down list box.
- These settings can also be changed/reset at runtime
using the SETGET datas:
oCbx:nItemHeight := <nNewVal> // NIL resets to default
oCbx:nSelectionHeight := <nNewVal> // NIL resets
oCbx:nDropWidth := <nNewVal> // reset does not work
- New clause [ DIRECTORY <cDirectory> [ATTRIB <nAttr>] ;
[SAYDIR oSay] ]
Displays files in the directory. In this case
aItems is forced empty. Contents of the directory are
displayed in the listbox.
See \fwh\samples\combodir.prg