New FTDN August/Agosto 2015 (FWH 15.08)
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:12 am
August 2015
* Enhancement: treport.prg: New data nRptAlign. By setting oRep:nRptAlign
to RPT_RIGHT or RPT_LEFT, a report can be aligned to Right or Left of the
page instead of the default Center.
* New: function SetCustomPrintPreview( bPreview (0r) NIL )
It is possible to design a custom print preview program and get
all print/report previews redirected to the custom preview
Example: SetCustomPrintPreview( { |oPrn, oRep| MyPreview( oPrn, oRep ) } )
SetCustomPrintPreview( NIL ) // cancels
* Fix: FW_AdoExportToDBF(...) in \source\function\adofuncs.prg: Fixed run-time
error while Exporting mpty tables.
* Enhancement: adofuncs.prg
- function FWAdoCreateTable( cTable, aCols, oCn, [ lAddAutoInc := .t. ] )
Existing behavior:
By default, the function inserts an autoincrement primary key column
with the name "ID", if the aCols[ 1 ] is already not of type "+"
This behavior can be suppressed by setting the 4th parameter to .F.
If it is desired that the name of the primary key should be different from
"ID", the required name can be specified in the 4th parameter as character
Example: function FWAdoCreateTable( cTable, aCols, oCn, "ROWID" )
- FW_AdoImportFromDBF( oCn, cDbf, [cAdoTable], [cColPrefix], [nMultiRowSize],
[aFields], [cAutoIncFld] )
It is not possible to specify a different name for autoincrement primary key
instead of the default "ID" in the 7th parameter
* New: function IsTabletMode() --> .f./.t.
In Windows 10, user can switch between DeskTop mode and tablet mode, on PC,
Tablet, phone. This function returns .t. when the OS is Windows 10 and
display is in Tablet mode.
* Fix: Non modal dialogboxes (or resources and from memory template) were not
properly working with FWH Unicode FW_SetUnicode( .T. ). Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Updated Class TScintilla to support 64 bits
* New: DATA bLeftText and bLeftFooter in TXBrwColumn object. When specified, the
result is painted left justified in addition the main text. Userful for currencies,
units. Common currencies are automatically identified and left justfied.
* Enhancement: XBrowse: Unicode UTF-16 and UTF-8 texts are automatically displayed
by xbrowse. Notes: Programmer needs to set correct column widths manually. Editing
is not possible.
* Enhancement: implemented Menus colors ( text and background ) of left panel and right panel of submenus
* New: Unicode support for TReport and TPrinter classes
* New: Unicode support for TBtnBmp class
* New: Add functions to file unicode.c for say characters unicode
- HB_FUNC( TEXTOUTW ) // hDC, nRow, nCol, cText, nLen
To use with hDC
- HB_FUNC( WTEXTOUTW ) // hWnd, nRow, nCol, cText, nLen
To use with hWnd
* New: Added file in folder samples to use Unicode and functions TextOutW and WTextOutW
- TestUni2.prg and TestUni2.rc
* Fix: Class TFolderEx, delete tab error, fixed
* Enhancement: Updated scintilla DLLs, thanks to Cristobal!
* Enhancement: treport.prg: New data nRptAlign. By setting oRep:nRptAlign
to RPT_RIGHT or RPT_LEFT, a report can be aligned to Right or Left of the
page instead of the default Center.
* New: function SetCustomPrintPreview( bPreview (0r) NIL )
It is possible to design a custom print preview program and get
all print/report previews redirected to the custom preview
Example: SetCustomPrintPreview( { |oPrn, oRep| MyPreview( oPrn, oRep ) } )
SetCustomPrintPreview( NIL ) // cancels
* Fix: FW_AdoExportToDBF(...) in \source\function\adofuncs.prg: Fixed run-time
error while Exporting mpty tables.
* Enhancement: adofuncs.prg
- function FWAdoCreateTable( cTable, aCols, oCn, [ lAddAutoInc := .t. ] )
Existing behavior:
By default, the function inserts an autoincrement primary key column
with the name "ID", if the aCols[ 1 ] is already not of type "+"
This behavior can be suppressed by setting the 4th parameter to .F.
If it is desired that the name of the primary key should be different from
"ID", the required name can be specified in the 4th parameter as character
Example: function FWAdoCreateTable( cTable, aCols, oCn, "ROWID" )
- FW_AdoImportFromDBF( oCn, cDbf, [cAdoTable], [cColPrefix], [nMultiRowSize],
[aFields], [cAutoIncFld] )
It is not possible to specify a different name for autoincrement primary key
instead of the default "ID" in the 7th parameter
* New: function IsTabletMode() --> .f./.t.
In Windows 10, user can switch between DeskTop mode and tablet mode, on PC,
Tablet, phone. This function returns .t. when the OS is Windows 10 and
display is in Tablet mode.
* Fix: Non modal dialogboxes (or resources and from memory template) were not
properly working with FWH Unicode FW_SetUnicode( .T. ). Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Updated Class TScintilla to support 64 bits
* New: DATA bLeftText and bLeftFooter in TXBrwColumn object. When specified, the
result is painted left justified in addition the main text. Userful for currencies,
units. Common currencies are automatically identified and left justfied.
* Enhancement: XBrowse: Unicode UTF-16 and UTF-8 texts are automatically displayed
by xbrowse. Notes: Programmer needs to set correct column widths manually. Editing
is not possible.
* Enhancement: implemented Menus colors ( text and background ) of left panel and right panel of submenus
* New: Unicode support for TReport and TPrinter classes
* New: Unicode support for TBtnBmp class
* New: Add functions to file unicode.c for say characters unicode
- HB_FUNC( TEXTOUTW ) // hDC, nRow, nCol, cText, nLen
To use with hDC
- HB_FUNC( WTEXTOUTW ) // hWnd, nRow, nCol, cText, nLen
To use with hWnd
* New: Added file in folder samples to use Unicode and functions TextOutW and WTextOutW
- TestUni2.prg and TestUni2.rc
* Fix: Class TFolderEx, delete tab error, fixed
* Enhancement: Updated scintilla DLLs, thanks to Cristobal!