New FTDN May 2015 (FWH 15.05)
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:15 am
May 2015
* Fix: function OfficeExtractImage() in olefuncs.prg: This was not working
with Harbour due to some issues with the version of HB_UnzipFile() of
Harbour. Workaround implemented.
* Enhancement: TXImage class. New Method Rotate( nDegrees )
* Fix: XBrowse: OrdKeyGoTo(n) is not working for ADS when there is
no controlling index. Workaround implemented.
* Fix: btnbmp.prg: Runtime error when the btnbmp is created as a button
of Outlook control. Fixed. ... =6&t=30669
* Fix: Class TGraph Method MouseMove() was not showing the tooltip
in the right part of the graph. Now it is ok: ... 83#p177183
* Improvement: Painting of combometro improved.
* XBROWSE: Enhancements:
METHOD ToExcel() New optional 4th Parameter lShow ( default .t. )
If specified as .f., the excel is generated but not displayed.
As in earlier versions the method returns oSheet object that is
generated for further use by the programmer.
New METHOD ToHTML( cHtmlFile, [lShow := .t.] ) --> Saved cHtmlFile with full path
Parameter-1: cHtmlFile: Name of the html file to be saved.
Parameter-2: lShow (optional). Default value is .t.. If lShow is .t.,
the html is displayed in default browser.
Return value: Saved html file with full path.
New METHOD ToWord( bProgress, aCols, nTableFormat, nOrientation ) --> oWordDoc
By Mr. Anser K.K.
Parameters bProgress and aCols have the same meaning as in method ToExcel()
nTableFormat: 0 to 42. Please see defined constants in Default is 23
nOrientation: 0 : Protrait and 1 : Landscape. Default 0
returns oDoc object.
Exportto Word from Preview exports the printed output as images to
the Word Document. XBrowse method ToWord() exports data as Table of
word document.
New Method PaintText() class TXBrwColumn:
Code reating to painting of text is separated from method PaintCell()
as new mthod PaintText() to enable easy sublcassing.
* New: Greatly improved menus:
* It allows to mix different styles ( 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015 ) in the same main menu
* You can define the colors for the background, text, etc
* You can set a font for the menu
* Support for glyphs (Segoe Symbol, or other FONTs ), or simply standard chars,
instead of resources
* Backwards compatibility with previous 2007, 2010 styles and add a new 2015 style, styles
another named as 2013 and finally a default FW style (these both are configurables)
* On these confugurables menus you canj choose to show vertical lines, colors and more
* It supports unicode without using Fw_SetUnicode( .T. )
* Many thanks to Cristobal Navarro for this great contribution!
* Fix: Function IsBinaryData() was returning .t. when the text buffer contained chr(12).
Now fixed.
* New: function IsTextUnicode( cBuffer ) returns .t. if the buffer is unicode
* Enhancement TBTNBMP. Now btnbmp also can use the selected Desktop theme.
Themes are applied only to btnbmps not defined with 2007 or 2010 or FlatStyles.
Changing desktop theme when the application is running repaints the
themed buttons using the current theme selected.
Global Setting: TBtnBmp():lDefaultTheme := lOnOff // default .f.
From the time this class data is set to true, all BtnBmp created (without
200? or flat style) are painted using the selected theme.
Individual buttons can also be set as themed or not themed by setting
oBtn:SetThemed( lOnOff ), overriding the global setting.
Thanks to Mr Antonio Perricone. ... 22&t=30403
* Fix: function OfficeExtractImage() in olefuncs.prg: This was not working
with Harbour due to some issues with the version of HB_UnzipFile() of
Harbour. Workaround implemented.
* Enhancement: TXImage class. New Method Rotate( nDegrees )
* Fix: XBrowse: OrdKeyGoTo(n) is not working for ADS when there is
no controlling index. Workaround implemented.
* Fix: btnbmp.prg: Runtime error when the btnbmp is created as a button
of Outlook control. Fixed. ... =6&t=30669
* Fix: Class TGraph Method MouseMove() was not showing the tooltip
in the right part of the graph. Now it is ok: ... 83#p177183
* Improvement: Painting of combometro improved.
* XBROWSE: Enhancements:
METHOD ToExcel() New optional 4th Parameter lShow ( default .t. )
If specified as .f., the excel is generated but not displayed.
As in earlier versions the method returns oSheet object that is
generated for further use by the programmer.
New METHOD ToHTML( cHtmlFile, [lShow := .t.] ) --> Saved cHtmlFile with full path
Parameter-1: cHtmlFile: Name of the html file to be saved.
Parameter-2: lShow (optional). Default value is .t.. If lShow is .t.,
the html is displayed in default browser.
Return value: Saved html file with full path.
New METHOD ToWord( bProgress, aCols, nTableFormat, nOrientation ) --> oWordDoc
By Mr. Anser K.K.
Parameters bProgress and aCols have the same meaning as in method ToExcel()
nTableFormat: 0 to 42. Please see defined constants in Default is 23
nOrientation: 0 : Protrait and 1 : Landscape. Default 0
returns oDoc object.
Exportto Word from Preview exports the printed output as images to
the Word Document. XBrowse method ToWord() exports data as Table of
word document.
New Method PaintText() class TXBrwColumn:
Code reating to painting of text is separated from method PaintCell()
as new mthod PaintText() to enable easy sublcassing.
* New: Greatly improved menus:
* It allows to mix different styles ( 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015 ) in the same main menu
* You can define the colors for the background, text, etc
* You can set a font for the menu
* Support for glyphs (Segoe Symbol, or other FONTs ), or simply standard chars,
instead of resources
* Backwards compatibility with previous 2007, 2010 styles and add a new 2015 style, styles
another named as 2013 and finally a default FW style (these both are configurables)
* On these confugurables menus you canj choose to show vertical lines, colors and more
* It supports unicode without using Fw_SetUnicode( .T. )
* Many thanks to Cristobal Navarro for this great contribution!
* Fix: Function IsBinaryData() was returning .t. when the text buffer contained chr(12).
Now fixed.
* New: function IsTextUnicode( cBuffer ) returns .t. if the buffer is unicode
* Enhancement TBTNBMP. Now btnbmp also can use the selected Desktop theme.
Themes are applied only to btnbmps not defined with 2007 or 2010 or FlatStyles.
Changing desktop theme when the application is running repaints the
themed buttons using the current theme selected.
Global Setting: TBtnBmp():lDefaultTheme := lOnOff // default .f.
From the time this class data is set to true, all BtnBmp created (without
200? or flat style) are painted using the selected theme.
Individual buttons can also be set as themed or not themed by setting
oBtn:SetThemed( lOnOff ), overriding the global setting.
Thanks to Mr Antonio Perricone. ... 22&t=30403