FTDN new May 2006 build / nuevo build de Mayo 2006
Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:41 am
May 2006 build
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TDialog to avoid to show the "?" help button when doing:
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg ON INIT oDlg:lHelpIcon := .f.
* Enhancement: function cTempFile() has been greatly improved in speed. This function is now used from the printing preview, so building the pages is much faster now.
* Enhancement: Class TGraph() New Methods GetDC() and ReleaseDC() to properly print ON print previews.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, WsaStartup() now uses 0x202 instead of 0x101. Suposedly this fixes the W2K connectivity.
* Fix: FWPPC, there was a bug in GetHostByName(), now it is ok.
* Enhancement: New VERTICAL clause for Win32 Progress Bars. You may use the VERTICAL clause if you create them from source code, or the style #define PBS_VERTICAL 4 if you create them from resources. Please review samples\Progres1.prg for a working sample.
* Enhancement: Class TDialog, DATA lHelpIcon improved behavior.
* New: Class TButtonBmp Method End(), Method LoadBitmap( cBmpName ).
* Enhancement: Class TGet, now ::oGet contents is checked for change before evaluating ::bChange, if defined, when pressing VK_TAB or VK_RETURN.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, wininet.lib has been added to samples\buildce.bat.
* New: FWPPC, samples\ftp.prg great FTP sample for Pocket PC developed by Enrico.
* New: Added high resolution icons and bitmaps (as PNGs).
* Fix: FWH/FW++/FWC3 and FWPPC, Class TWBrowse properly paints the selected row colors if lCellStyle is used.
* Enhancement: function FixSays() was causing some troubles on some Windows versions. now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TWBrowse automatically generates headers contents if they are not provided and no workarea is in use (i.e. when using an array with it ).
* Enhancement: Improved Class TGet behavior when using system popup "Cut" option.
* Enhancement: Class TTxtFile returns Self even if the handle of the file is not valid.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, minor change on used paths.
* Enhancement: cGetFile() now manages 255 chars for paths and filenames.
* New: FW++ has been successfully rebuilt and tested with Xbase++ 1.9 final release.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TDialog to avoid to show the "?" help button when doing:
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg ON INIT oDlg:lHelpIcon := .f.
* Enhancement: function cTempFile() has been greatly improved in speed. This function is now used from the printing preview, so building the pages is much faster now.
* Enhancement: Class TGraph() New Methods GetDC() and ReleaseDC() to properly print ON print previews.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, WsaStartup() now uses 0x202 instead of 0x101. Suposedly this fixes the W2K connectivity.
* Fix: FWPPC, there was a bug in GetHostByName(), now it is ok.
* Enhancement: New VERTICAL clause for Win32 Progress Bars. You may use the VERTICAL clause if you create them from source code, or the style #define PBS_VERTICAL 4 if you create them from resources. Please review samples\Progres1.prg for a working sample.
* Enhancement: Class TDialog, DATA lHelpIcon improved behavior.
* New: Class TButtonBmp Method End(), Method LoadBitmap( cBmpName ).
* Enhancement: Class TGet, now ::oGet contents is checked for change before evaluating ::bChange, if defined, when pressing VK_TAB or VK_RETURN.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, wininet.lib has been added to samples\buildce.bat.
* New: FWPPC, samples\ftp.prg great FTP sample for Pocket PC developed by Enrico.
* New: Added high resolution icons and bitmaps (as PNGs).
* Fix: FWH/FW++/FWC3 and FWPPC, Class TWBrowse properly paints the selected row colors if lCellStyle is used.
* Enhancement: function FixSays() was causing some troubles on some Windows versions. now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TWBrowse automatically generates headers contents if they are not provided and no workarea is in use (i.e. when using an array with it ).
* Enhancement: Improved Class TGet behavior when using system popup "Cut" option.
* Enhancement: Class TTxtFile returns Self even if the handle of the file is not valid.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, minor change on used paths.
* Enhancement: cGetFile() now manages 255 chars for paths and filenames.
* New: FW++ has been successfully rebuilt and tested with Xbase++ 1.9 final release.