New FTDN March/Marzo 2015 (FWH 15.03)
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:22 am
March 2015
* New: function SetMGetColorFocus( nClrFocus ) same as SetGetColorFocus() but for GETs
* Enhancement: Class TMultiGet support for color change on focus gain/loose.
* New: function SetCbxColorFocus( nClrFocus ) same as SetGetColorFocus() but for
ComboBoxes. We tried to take these functions into Class TControl may there are
many side effects for other controls.
* Enhancement: Class TComboBox support for color change on focus gain/loose.
* XBrowser: Browse size now fits exactly the existing rows.
* XBrowse:
- Improvement: Improved painting of buttons when oCol:lBtnTransparent := .t.
- Fix: Pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-R when there is no vertical scroll bar
raises a runtime error because of unnecessary code handling K_PGUP and
K_PGDN in method KeyChar(). This code is removed.
- New Data lTabLikeExcel (default .f.). When set to .t. TAB key moves cursor
to right as in Excel
- New: Pivot Table Support:
XBrowse automatically recognizes pivot-table array generated by
FW_AdoPivotArray(...) function and properly displays pivot table.
@ r,c XBROWSE <clauses> DATASOURCE FW_AdoPivotArray(...) <other clauses>
oBrw:SetArray( FW_AdoPivotArray(...) )
oBrw:SetArray( aData, , , cPivotHead )
See fwh\samples\pivotdbf.prg
New Method: oBrw:InvertPivot() Inverts Pivot Browse
-Datatypes +,= are recognized as readonly
* BtnBmp:
- Micro-alignment of prompts: When Layout is TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT,CENTER
the prompts are aligned Bottom-Center, Top-Center, Right Justified, Left
justified and centered vertically and horizontally.
It is now possible to adjust the horizontal alignment within the prompt area.
Padding space(s) on left right justifies, padding on right left justifies and
padding on both sides centers horizontally within the area meant for the
- With the combination of aBmpRect this offers greater possibilities to
manage sizing and placement of bitmaps and prompts in the button area.
- Now supports vertical fonts, though they are more meaningful in LEFT and
RIGHT layouts.
- If nClrText is a codeblock, it is now evaluated with two parameters,
oBtn:lMOver and oBtn object. This enables changing colors on different
states of the button.
- New FLAT clause in the command: This creates the button similar to
- When defining the button if width or height or both or ommitted,
they are auto-calculated which may suit many occassions, mostly
for LEFT and RIGHT layouts.
* Fix: When FW_SetTruePixel is set to .T., some dialogs in fwh library
are not displayed properly. Fixed: in all prgs of the library
* Fix: Clause TRUEPIXEL of DEFINE DIALOG command is not setting Data
lTruePixel to .T.. The command translate is fixed in
* TruePixel behavior: When a dialog is created with TRUEPIXEL clause,
the global setting of lTruePixel was set to .T., applying the
setting to all dialogs in the project. This makes it impossible
to selectively set the feature to newly created dialogs in an
existing project. Now TRUEPIXEL clause affects only the dialog
created with the clause and does not disturb other dialogs.
However if FW_SetTruePixel( .t. ) is set to .T., then the
setting applies to all dialogs created subsequently, irrespective
of TRUEPIXEL clause till FW_SetTruePixel() is turned off.
Now it is possible to use truepixel feature for new dialogs in
an existing project without disturbing the existing code.
* New: Pivot Tables (Crosstab).
New functions in source\function\adofuncs.prg:
FW_AdoPivotRS( oCn, cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, [cAggrFunc] ) --> Ado RecordSet
FW_AdoPivotArray( oCn, cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, [cAggrFunc] ) --> Array
with first row as headers
Note: Field names containing reserved words are properly escaped.
cRowFld and cColFld can contain simple expressions valid for the
database. Eg: "YEAR(SALEDATE) AS YEAR".
* Enhancement: Implemented required FWStrings() use in printer.prg
* Fix: bitmap.prg: The new hbitmap object created when resizign is
necessary is not being destroyed. Fixed now ... =3&t=30352
* Fix: Class TGet Methods CreateButton(), GotFocus() and LostFocus() have
been modified so a GET button (clause ACTION) with a WHEN .F. get the focus: ... 59#p174059
Many thanks to Alexandre Pereira!
* Fix: Class TUrlLink Method Destroy was missing so it was leaking
bitmaps handles. Now it is ok. Thanks to Daniel!
* New: function SetMGetColorFocus( nClrFocus ) same as SetGetColorFocus() but for GETs
* Enhancement: Class TMultiGet support for color change on focus gain/loose.
* New: function SetCbxColorFocus( nClrFocus ) same as SetGetColorFocus() but for
ComboBoxes. We tried to take these functions into Class TControl may there are
many side effects for other controls.
* Enhancement: Class TComboBox support for color change on focus gain/loose.
* XBrowser: Browse size now fits exactly the existing rows.
* XBrowse:
- Improvement: Improved painting of buttons when oCol:lBtnTransparent := .t.
- Fix: Pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-R when there is no vertical scroll bar
raises a runtime error because of unnecessary code handling K_PGUP and
K_PGDN in method KeyChar(). This code is removed.
- New Data lTabLikeExcel (default .f.). When set to .t. TAB key moves cursor
to right as in Excel
- New: Pivot Table Support:
XBrowse automatically recognizes pivot-table array generated by
FW_AdoPivotArray(...) function and properly displays pivot table.
@ r,c XBROWSE <clauses> DATASOURCE FW_AdoPivotArray(...) <other clauses>
oBrw:SetArray( FW_AdoPivotArray(...) )
oBrw:SetArray( aData, , , cPivotHead )
See fwh\samples\pivotdbf.prg
New Method: oBrw:InvertPivot() Inverts Pivot Browse
-Datatypes +,= are recognized as readonly
* BtnBmp:
- Micro-alignment of prompts: When Layout is TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT,CENTER
the prompts are aligned Bottom-Center, Top-Center, Right Justified, Left
justified and centered vertically and horizontally.
It is now possible to adjust the horizontal alignment within the prompt area.
Padding space(s) on left right justifies, padding on right left justifies and
padding on both sides centers horizontally within the area meant for the
- With the combination of aBmpRect this offers greater possibilities to
manage sizing and placement of bitmaps and prompts in the button area.
- Now supports vertical fonts, though they are more meaningful in LEFT and
RIGHT layouts.
- If nClrText is a codeblock, it is now evaluated with two parameters,
oBtn:lMOver and oBtn object. This enables changing colors on different
states of the button.
- New FLAT clause in the command: This creates the button similar to
- When defining the button if width or height or both or ommitted,
they are auto-calculated which may suit many occassions, mostly
for LEFT and RIGHT layouts.
* Fix: When FW_SetTruePixel is set to .T., some dialogs in fwh library
are not displayed properly. Fixed: in all prgs of the library
* Fix: Clause TRUEPIXEL of DEFINE DIALOG command is not setting Data
lTruePixel to .T.. The command translate is fixed in
* TruePixel behavior: When a dialog is created with TRUEPIXEL clause,
the global setting of lTruePixel was set to .T., applying the
setting to all dialogs in the project. This makes it impossible
to selectively set the feature to newly created dialogs in an
existing project. Now TRUEPIXEL clause affects only the dialog
created with the clause and does not disturb other dialogs.
However if FW_SetTruePixel( .t. ) is set to .T., then the
setting applies to all dialogs created subsequently, irrespective
of TRUEPIXEL clause till FW_SetTruePixel() is turned off.
Now it is possible to use truepixel feature for new dialogs in
an existing project without disturbing the existing code.
* New: Pivot Tables (Crosstab).
New functions in source\function\adofuncs.prg:
FW_AdoPivotRS( oCn, cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, [cAggrFunc] ) --> Ado RecordSet
FW_AdoPivotArray( oCn, cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, [cAggrFunc] ) --> Array
with first row as headers
Note: Field names containing reserved words are properly escaped.
cRowFld and cColFld can contain simple expressions valid for the
database. Eg: "YEAR(SALEDATE) AS YEAR".
* Enhancement: Implemented required FWStrings() use in printer.prg
* Fix: bitmap.prg: The new hbitmap object created when resizign is
necessary is not being destroyed. Fixed now ... =3&t=30352
* Fix: Class TGet Methods CreateButton(), GotFocus() and LostFocus() have
been modified so a GET button (clause ACTION) with a WHEN .F. get the focus: ... 59#p174059
Many thanks to Alexandre Pereira!
* Fix: Class TUrlLink Method Destroy was missing so it was leaking
bitmaps handles. Now it is ok. Thanks to Daniel!