FTDN new April 2006 build / nuevo build de Abril 2006
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:59 am
April 2006 build
* IMPORTANT: FWH and FWHX have been compiled with the new Harbour and xHarbour April builds. You must recompile all your PRGs and PRG libraries!
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, Method PrintBox( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nRight, nBottom, nFrom ) now may use an extra parameter nFrom, to select which position to print from. By default is zero (first character). The method returns the new nFrom position too.
New Method GetLineFromChar( nChar ), it returns the line number, given a character position. i.e.:
nFrom := REPrintBox( oRTF:hWnd, nTop, nLeft, nRight, nBottom, nFrom )
nLine := oRTF:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ), will return the last printed line.
* Enhancement: Class TPrinter uses random names for the metafiles temporary file names, used by the preview, instead of naming them tmp0001, tmp0002, etc. This way, several previews may be shown at the same time.
* New: FWPPC, function SerialNumber() returns the Pocket PC serial number if available. Thanks to Hathal.
* New: FWPPC, Class TTabControl, please review samples\TestTab.prg. This class will be involved in folders implementation. Warning: Folders are not available yet.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, function MsgInfo(), MsgAlert() and MsgStop() automatically convert parameters into strings, like FWH does it.
* New: FWPPC, MsgGet() already available. Please review samples\TestMGet.prg
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TCBrowse.
* Fix: Class TGet minor fix on spinner use.
* New: FWPPC, Non modal dialogboxes support. Please review samples\TestDMod.prg
* Fix: Minor fixes on Class TWindow, TControl and TDatePick.
* New: FWPPC, Folders from source code are ready! Please review samples\TestFold.prg
* New: Class TListView Methods HScroll() and VScroll().
* New: FWPPC, Class TDatePicker already implemented. Please review samples\TestDtp.prg. Please notice that lib\commctrl.lib has to be linked now.
* Enhancement: Minor on changes on Class TWBrowse.
* Fix: FWPPC Click() bug fixed on buttons, checkboxes and radios.
* New: FWPPC, Folders created from source code that use resources dialogs. Please review samples\TestFld.prg. This technique is new to FiveWin, and it is designed to use folders on windows but using the folder dialogboxes from resources.
* New: FWPPC, folders created entirely from resources are working ok. Please review samples\TestFld2.prg. Thanks to Carles!
* Fix: FWPPC, Class TDatePicker is properly working from resources. Please review samples\TestDtpR.prg
* Enhancement: Class TGet Method KeyChar(), ::bChanged is evaluated once the key has been processed, so it gets included into the related GET buffer.
* Enhancement: DEFAULT command has been improved in performance! Thanks to Maurilio.
* Enhancement: Class TMultiGet several improvements.
* New: Class TButtonBmp clause: TEXTTOP, TEXTBOTTOM, TEXTLEFT, TEXTRIGHT. It modifies the bitmap drawing location, so you can use text in the button too. Please review samples\TestBuBm.prg
* New: FWPPC, a Microsoft make sample is provided at fwppc\makes\fwcemake.zip to build an EXE using several PRGs.
* Enhancement: Class TToolbar Method ChangeBitmap( nButton, nImage ) uses nImage values from 1 on.
* Enhancement: Class TReg32 has been modified to allow read access when there are now enough user privileges to allow full access (i.e. using a guest account).
* Enhancement: Class TReBar minor change to properly display on dialogs.
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, some new methods added, that previously were inherited from Class TMultiGet.
* Fix: WndTop() and WndLeft() were not properly managing negative values. Now you can do oControl:nLeft -= nValue and the control is properly displayed, no matter if the result is negative.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, Class TComboBox processes VK_RETURN to go to next control.
* Enhancement: Class TFolder Method AddItem( cItem [,cResName] ) now accepts an optional dialog resource name cResName to be used for the new folder added dialog.
* New: FWPPC, records/files locks/unlocks support for Windows Mobile 5. It automatically detects if Windows Mobile 5 is used.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, errorsys modified to control the zero divisor error.
* New: Class TToolBar Methods SetPressed( nButton, lOnOff ), SetChecked( nButton, lOnOff ), IsChecked( nButton ) and ToggleCheck( nButton ). Please review samples\toolbar1.prg for a working sample of use.
* Enhancement: The Printing Preview shows the page number with a transparent background.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TCheckBox and TRadio.
* Enhancement: Class TDbCombo, improved bChanged and the UPDATE clause used together. Thanks to James Bott.
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, some enhancements.
* New: function PrnStatus() --> nStatus. Please review samples\PrnStat.prg for a working sample. This function is still under testing.
* IMPORTANT: FWH and FWHX have been compiled with the new Harbour and xHarbour April builds. You must recompile all your PRGs and PRG libraries!
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, Method PrintBox( hDC, nTop, nLeft, nRight, nBottom, nFrom ) now may use an extra parameter nFrom, to select which position to print from. By default is zero (first character). The method returns the new nFrom position too.
New Method GetLineFromChar( nChar ), it returns the line number, given a character position. i.e.:
nFrom := REPrintBox( oRTF:hWnd, nTop, nLeft, nRight, nBottom, nFrom )
nLine := oRTF:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ), will return the last printed line.
* Enhancement: Class TPrinter uses random names for the metafiles temporary file names, used by the preview, instead of naming them tmp0001, tmp0002, etc. This way, several previews may be shown at the same time.
* New: FWPPC, function SerialNumber() returns the Pocket PC serial number if available. Thanks to Hathal.
* New: FWPPC, Class TTabControl, please review samples\TestTab.prg. This class will be involved in folders implementation. Warning: Folders are not available yet.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, function MsgInfo(), MsgAlert() and MsgStop() automatically convert parameters into strings, like FWH does it.
* New: FWPPC, MsgGet() already available. Please review samples\TestMGet.prg
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TCBrowse.
* Fix: Class TGet minor fix on spinner use.
* New: FWPPC, Non modal dialogboxes support. Please review samples\TestDMod.prg
* Fix: Minor fixes on Class TWindow, TControl and TDatePick.
* New: FWPPC, Folders from source code are ready! Please review samples\TestFold.prg
* New: Class TListView Methods HScroll() and VScroll().
* New: FWPPC, Class TDatePicker already implemented. Please review samples\TestDtp.prg. Please notice that lib\commctrl.lib has to be linked now.
* Enhancement: Minor on changes on Class TWBrowse.
* Fix: FWPPC Click() bug fixed on buttons, checkboxes and radios.
* New: FWPPC, Folders created from source code that use resources dialogs. Please review samples\TestFld.prg. This technique is new to FiveWin, and it is designed to use folders on windows but using the folder dialogboxes from resources.
* New: FWPPC, folders created entirely from resources are working ok. Please review samples\TestFld2.prg. Thanks to Carles!
* Fix: FWPPC, Class TDatePicker is properly working from resources. Please review samples\TestDtpR.prg
* Enhancement: Class TGet Method KeyChar(), ::bChanged is evaluated once the key has been processed, so it gets included into the related GET buffer.
* Enhancement: DEFAULT command has been improved in performance! Thanks to Maurilio.
* Enhancement: Class TMultiGet several improvements.
* New: Class TButtonBmp clause: TEXTTOP, TEXTBOTTOM, TEXTLEFT, TEXTRIGHT. It modifies the bitmap drawing location, so you can use text in the button too. Please review samples\TestBuBm.prg
* New: FWPPC, a Microsoft make sample is provided at fwppc\makes\fwcemake.zip to build an EXE using several PRGs.
* Enhancement: Class TToolbar Method ChangeBitmap( nButton, nImage ) uses nImage values from 1 on.
* Enhancement: Class TReg32 has been modified to allow read access when there are now enough user privileges to allow full access (i.e. using a guest account).
* Enhancement: Class TReBar minor change to properly display on dialogs.
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, some new methods added, that previously were inherited from Class TMultiGet.
* Fix: WndTop() and WndLeft() were not properly managing negative values. Now you can do oControl:nLeft -= nValue and the control is properly displayed, no matter if the result is negative.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, Class TComboBox processes VK_RETURN to go to next control.
* Enhancement: Class TFolder Method AddItem( cItem [,cResName] ) now accepts an optional dialog resource name cResName to be used for the new folder added dialog.
* New: FWPPC, records/files locks/unlocks support for Windows Mobile 5. It automatically detects if Windows Mobile 5 is used.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, errorsys modified to control the zero divisor error.
* New: Class TToolBar Methods SetPressed( nButton, lOnOff ), SetChecked( nButton, lOnOff ), IsChecked( nButton ) and ToggleCheck( nButton ). Please review samples\toolbar1.prg for a working sample of use.
* Enhancement: The Printing Preview shows the page number with a transparent background.
* Fix: Minor fix on Class TCheckBox and TRadio.
* Enhancement: Class TDbCombo, improved bChanged and the UPDATE clause used together. Thanks to James Bott.
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit, some enhancements.
* New: function PrnStatus() --> nStatus. Please review samples\PrnStat.prg for a working sample. This function is still under testing.