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New FTDN August/Agosto 2012 (FWH 12.08)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:50 pm
by Antonio Linares
August 2012

* Enhancement: Class TGet new DATA lKeepFocus, .T. by default, sets the focus to the GET
after executing the related ACTION code, so if you turn it to .F. then you can set the focus
to another control: ... 45#p133845

* New: samples/Testcf2.prg shows how to magane GIF, PNG, JPGs, etc with Class TCoverFlow: ... 35#p133935

* Enhancement: GETs defined from resources are automatically set to ES_AUTOHSCROLL style: ... 67#p134467


(1) New DATA bOnMultiSelect:
If assigned, the codeblock is executed with Self and nOperation as parameters after
a multiselect operation.

(2) bRClicked is now evaluated even when right-clicked on empty area.

(3) Arrat specific code in Refresh method is converted to generic code, to avoid
interferance with complex skip codeblocks in derived classes.

(4) New DATA lFlatStyle ( default .f. )
When set to .T., headers, record selector and footers are painted flat.

(5) Text in cells can also be vertically aligned top or bottom ( default vertical center ) by
assigning AL_TOP/AL_BOTTOM logically OR'ed with AL_LEFT/AL_CENTER/AL_RIGHT to oCol:nDataStrAlign.

(6) Columns DATA lColTransparent, if set to .t. or .f. ( default nil ) overrides lTransparent
property of the Browse. We can now paint selected columns opaquely on a transparent browse.

(7) When browse is transparent and row/col separators are set to none, row/col separators are
painted transparently. The effect is seen when some columns are not transparent,

(8) New: samples\xblstgrd.prg: Control derived from xBrowse to switch List View/GridView

(9) New DATAs for XBrowse Column Object: nBtnWidth, cBtnCaption. When specified edit-button
uses the caption and/or btnwidth.

* Enhancement: new clause MULTILINE for @ ..., ... BUTTON to support multiline captions. ... 98#p133898

* Enhancement: Removed some duplicates functions and some required fixes in RCs for FiveForm.prg
and FiveDbu.prg