New FTDN June 2012 (FWH 12.06)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN June 2012 (FWH 12.06)

Post by Antonio Linares »

June 2012

* Enhancement: samples\FiveDBU.prg gets more and more functionality. Please review
this powerful DBU that you can include in your own apps to manage DBFs, indexes, etc

* Fix: FWH was not compatible with xHarbour built using set CFLAGS=-D__EXPORT__ required
to use pcode DLLs. Now it is ok.

* Fix: Minor fix in Class TGraph thanks to Pere Cordonet: ... 64#p130964

* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse Method ToCalc() enhanced thanks to AnserKK. ... 46&start=0

* New: function GetUsedFonts() returns an array with all the used fonts in the
application. Thanks to Ruediger.

* Fix: Runtime error when seek expr is blank with ADO XBrowse fixed

* Fix: Runtime error during incremental seek on numeric columns in ADO Xbrowse fixed.

* Fix: XBrowse: Fix in Incremental seek with RDD

* Improvement: Incremental Filter in XBrowse of Arrays. Now a codeblock can be assigned to DATA
bFilterExp. This codeblock evaluated with cSeek, ArrayRow, Browse Object as parameters to
decide if the row is to be retained or filtered out. The codeblock should return .t. or .f.

* Enhancement: Class TReport enhanced file prev32.dll / prev64.dll detection. And Improvement
to Method EndGroup(). Thanks to Bayron: ... 96#p131496

* New: A new Class THActiveX (NOTICE the H in the name) has been implemented for Harbour users.
This one seems to solve some issues that sometimes arise with Harbour only. It provides
backwards compatibility with TActiveX syntax, etc. Please review samples\webexph.prg for an
example of use.

Please notice that this class requires some changes in your RCs if you are using REDEFINE
activex controls. You have to change from:

CONTROL "", 10, "TActiveX", 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 11, 9, 171, 100


CONTROL "Shell.Explorer", 10, "AtlAxWin", 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 11, 9, 471, 300

* Enhancement: FWH (module c5new.c) for has been modified to void the use of the
external _chkstk due to excesive stack consume. Now it is ok.

* Fix: Class TPreview Method SetFactor(), there was an extra call to ::Zoom( .T. ) in line
1377 that was messing the reports appearance. Now it is ok.

* New: samples\schedule.prg shows a very complete implementation of the codejock calendar.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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