New FTDN September/Septiembre 2010 (FWH 10.9)
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:43 am
September 2010
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method Initiate() was setting twice the used font. Now it is ok.
Thanks to Richard Chidiak for his feedback.
* Fix: TXBrowse: Autosort and bLClickHeader were not working when oBrw:lAllowColSwapping is .F.. Fixed now.
* Fix: Class TMultiGet Method Default() was setting the font to use an extra time. Now it is ok!
Thanks to Richard Chidiak for his feedback.
* Enhancement: Class TTabControl has been enhanced to be able to create the control from a
dialog on runtime. Also, arrow left-right click detection has been implemented. Please
review samples\TestTCtr.prg
* Fix: function IsAppThemed(), changes in FWH 10.7 have been reverted as they were causing
troubles. Now everything about themes should be fine again
* Enhancement: Class TRadMenu, implemented changes proposed by Günther!
* Enhancement: Minor change in Class TControl as commented by Peter Harmes in the forums: ... 74&start=0
* Fix: Some fixed typos in source\winapi\help32.prg
* Fix: Some minor changes in samples\labels\source\label.prg
* Fix: XBrowse column method SetOrder, causing runtime error when header is clicked.
* Fix: Class TBitmap Method Destroy(), the brush is End()ed id ::hWnd is zero. Reported
by James Bott.
* Enhancement: FWH\samples\rc2prg.prg has been greatly improved by Armando Picon, thanks!
* Fix: Class TWindow Methods GoNextCtrl() and GoPrevCtrl(), were not properly working
on non Captioned mdichild windows.
* XBrowse: SaveData( aAdditionalData ) and RestoreData: Now, in addition to the standard data that
is saved and restired ( columnorder, nRowHeight, column widths, hide/visible status, group headers
and column headers ), array of any additional data to be saved and restored can be specified as
parameter for SaveData().
Important restriction: The data can contain only N,C,D,L and NIL. It is programmeer's responsibility
to ensuring the data does not contain any codeblocks/objects.etc.
* xBrowse: SetADO() can now handle adLongVarChar and adLongVarWChar also.
* Enhancement: samples\RC2PRG.prg utility has been enhanced. Thanks to Armando!
* New: Class TWebCam, please review samples\webcam.prg. It is a great example! Thanks to Lailton!
* Fix: SkinButtons(), Now default pushbuttons automatically fire their actions if enter is pressed
from another control. Commented in: ... 13&start=0
* Fix: pressing SHIFT-TAB in a dialog was causing the ::bChange block to be executed even when there
were no changes made in the control's data. Thanks to Patrick Weisser!
* New: Class TExplorerList. It mimics the Windows 7 vertical lists where all the computer and
the network is explored. Please review samples\listbar.prg. It is a great example!
* Fix: fixed bug left in recents changes in Class TUrlLink, as REDEFINE command was not painting text,
now is ok.
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method Initiate() was setting twice the used font. Now it is ok.
Thanks to Richard Chidiak for his feedback.
* Fix: TXBrowse: Autosort and bLClickHeader were not working when oBrw:lAllowColSwapping is .F.. Fixed now.
* Fix: Class TMultiGet Method Default() was setting the font to use an extra time. Now it is ok!
Thanks to Richard Chidiak for his feedback.
* Enhancement: Class TTabControl has been enhanced to be able to create the control from a
dialog on runtime. Also, arrow left-right click detection has been implemented. Please
review samples\TestTCtr.prg
* Fix: function IsAppThemed(), changes in FWH 10.7 have been reverted as they were causing
troubles. Now everything about themes should be fine again
* Enhancement: Class TRadMenu, implemented changes proposed by Günther!
* Enhancement: Minor change in Class TControl as commented by Peter Harmes in the forums: ... 74&start=0
* Fix: Some fixed typos in source\winapi\help32.prg
* Fix: Some minor changes in samples\labels\source\label.prg
* Fix: XBrowse column method SetOrder, causing runtime error when header is clicked.
* Fix: Class TBitmap Method Destroy(), the brush is End()ed id ::hWnd is zero. Reported
by James Bott.
* Enhancement: FWH\samples\rc2prg.prg has been greatly improved by Armando Picon, thanks!
* Fix: Class TWindow Methods GoNextCtrl() and GoPrevCtrl(), were not properly working
on non Captioned mdichild windows.
* XBrowse: SaveData( aAdditionalData ) and RestoreData: Now, in addition to the standard data that
is saved and restired ( columnorder, nRowHeight, column widths, hide/visible status, group headers
and column headers ), array of any additional data to be saved and restored can be specified as
parameter for SaveData().
Important restriction: The data can contain only N,C,D,L and NIL. It is programmeer's responsibility
to ensuring the data does not contain any codeblocks/objects.etc.
* xBrowse: SetADO() can now handle adLongVarChar and adLongVarWChar also.
* Enhancement: samples\RC2PRG.prg utility has been enhanced. Thanks to Armando!
* New: Class TWebCam, please review samples\webcam.prg. It is a great example! Thanks to Lailton!
* Fix: SkinButtons(), Now default pushbuttons automatically fire their actions if enter is pressed
from another control. Commented in: ... 13&start=0
* Fix: pressing SHIFT-TAB in a dialog was causing the ::bChange block to be executed even when there
were no changes made in the control's data. Thanks to Patrick Weisser!
* New: Class TExplorerList. It mimics the Windows 7 vertical lists where all the computer and
the network is explored. Please review samples\listbar.prg. It is a great example!
* Fix: fixed bug left in recents changes in Class TUrlLink, as REDEFINE command was not painting text,
now is ok.