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New FTDN March/Marzo 2010 (10.3)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:58 am
by Antonio Linares
March 2010

* Fix: Minor fix in Class TMdiChild Method End() to avoid the evaluation of bPostEnd if lEnd is not true.

* Enhancement: Functions cValToChar and cValToStr in valblank.prg now handle datetime values in both xHarbour
and Harbour.

* Fix: XBrowse SetArray(): Automatically generated column headers were based on the array element number but not
on the browse column number. Now fixed.

* Enhancement: XBrowse column Edit: It was necessary to press Enter key to complete edit of a cell, even when
SET CONFIRM is OFF. This behavior was not consistent with the general behavior of Gets. Now if SET CONFIRM is OFF,
type out exits the Get and Enter key is necessary only of SET CONFIRM is ON. In case of FastEdit, the extra key
pressed to exit the edit of a cell will be the first key of the edit of the next cell.

* XBrowse HeaderHeight: Calculation of Headerheight was increased by 4 pixels from version 9.12. Now the calcultion
is restored to same as prior to fwh 9.12

* Fix: XBrowse: oCol:bGetValid gets executed twice in browses created from resources, though it works correctly with
browses created from source. Fixed.

* TGet: bChange is evaluated after handling CUT,PASTE and CLEAR events.

* Enhancement: Class TODBC now supports DSN-less connections also. The first parameter to TOdbc():New(...) can now
be a valid ODBC connection string also, instead of a DSN.

Example connection string for MySql is "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase;

* Enhancement: Class TDbOdbc and TDbOdbcDirect are made compatible with XBrowse. These objects can be browsed like
any other object like TDataBase, etc.

* New: Class TMeterEx, similar to Class TMeter and TProgress but many more possibilities. Please review

* Enhancement: FWPPC, enhanced example TapHold.prg. Please review samples\TapHold.prg

* Fix: Btnbmp.prg: Text is painted over the bitmap in non-2007 style. Fixed now.

* We keep quite busy working on the new FiveTech Web & Facebook development API that we expect to publish next month :-)

Re: New FTDN March/Marzo 2010 (10.3)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:41 pm
by Antonio Linares
A revised FWH 10.3 version is published with these new features:

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Editing numeric values can be started by pressing '=' and entering any valid experession
evaluating to a number, similar to Excel. The expressions can contain '%' symbol also, which is translated as
'/100' for evaulation.

Examples: User can enter '= 200 * 1.25%' which is evaluated as 250 and stored in the column. This feature can be
enabled by setting oBrw:lFormulaEdit := .t. ( default .f. )

Notes: This feature is still under development. oCol:bEditValid can not contain screen i/o and oGet:VarGet can
be used only once. oGet:VarPut() can not be used.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: K_F2 also triggers edit, similar to Excel. Enter key triggers Edit but can be disabled by
setting oBrw:lEnterKey2Edit := .f. and when disabled, Enter key moves cursor to right.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Ctrl-Plus and Ctrl-Minus keys increase or decrease font size of the browse.

Re: New FTDN March/Marzo 2010 (10.3)

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:48 am
by hua
>* Enhancement: XBrowse: K_F2 also triggers edit, similar to Excel.

Would it be possible to have this feature guarded with a flag as my codes already make use of F2 to invoke picklist in xBrowse?


Re: New FTDN March/Marzo 2010 (10.3)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:14 am
by Bayron
* We keep quite busy working on the new FiveTech Web & Facebook development API that we expect to publish next month :-)
I hope you can give us an UPDATE about it, just to see more or less what is coming, It sounds pretty good, and I don't have more nails to bite....