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Please check operation when you get a chance

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:08 am
by xProgrammer

> I am writing up a guide for anyone who wants to switch to FiveLinux.

Cool, thanks :-)

> ./../../xharbour/bin/harbour $1.prg ...

Both Harbour and xHarbour compile fine here without supplying .prg

> Also would you please advise how to compile and link multiple source files?

harbour one.prg -n ...
harbour two.prg -n ...
harbour three.prg -n ...

gcc one.c -c ...
gcc two.c -c ...
gcc three.c -c ...

gcc one.o two.o three.o -oone.exe ...

> And I notice that there is no ""

Harbour/xHarbour provide the same functionality as "". Its built-in Harbour/xHarbour

Perhaps in your new wiki?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:13 am
by xProgrammer

Maybe I could do a section on FiveLinux for your wiki?

I was also wondering if there was a place here on these forums for discussing programming techniques - don't know if members would be interested but I expect they might. For example I wrote some #commands so that tables could be created in simple easy to read code. Let me know what you think.

It might also help kick off some community coding if several people need pretty much the same thing.


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:34 pm
by Antonio Linares

> Maybe I could do a section on FiveLinux for your wiki?

Good idea, we have emailed you your login and password for the wiki :-)

> I was also wondering if there was a place here on these forums for discussing programming techniques

You could also use the wiki