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Binding Res-Files into Exe - Vista

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:27 pm
by fp
I use Borlands RC.Exe to integrate an 16-Bit-ResFile into an 16-Bit-ExeFile.

But using 16-Bit-RC.Exe under MS Vista, i get an Error "not an 32-bit-Appication".

I use: RC -k x1.Res y1.Exe

Is there an workaround or can I use another ResFile-Binder for 16-Bit-Exe?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:04 pm
by Antonio Linares

It looks as you are using Vista 64 bits, so 16 bits applications are no longer supported.

Are you able to run your Clipper application ? It may not work too, as it is 16 bits too.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:17 pm
by fp
I'm using Vista-Business 32 bits; all my DOS- and 16-Bit-Clipper-Apps run without any problems.

I have found the solution as a workaround to "Rc.Exe":
I'm using now the Blinker-Linkscript-Command "RC" and it works fine.
