bEditBlock should return the new value if edited or old value if not edited. You may change the bEditBlock as: :oCol( "Target" ):bEditBlock := { || GetNewTarget( oBrw, cKdNr, oBrw:aRow[ 4 ]) } Please also change STATIC PROCEDURE as STATIC FUNCTION and RETURN xnTarget. Dear Mr. ...
Hi all, i try to edit an array value from a xBrowse. But i can't see the post edit value. Do i miss something? Here my code REDEFINE XBROWSE oBrw ID 10 OF oDlg; ARRAY aArtGrp; COLUMNS 1, 2, 4; HEADERS "Art.Grp.", "Name", "Target"; SIZES 50 ...
Hi all, i'm using FWH 9.12. I want to call the method ToExcel() from xBrowse. But it crashes with following message: Error description: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NIL' has no exported method: HWND Args: [ 1] = U Stack Calls =========== Called from: => HWND(0) Called from: .\source...
i still use Manuel's TsBrowse class in version 6.13 enhanced by James.
When building an exe file with FWH 9.12 and xHarbour 1.2.1 i get a linker error : Error: Unresolved external '__reta'
Can somebody give me a helping hint how to avoid this?
Hi all, i want to show several buttonbmp each with a bitmap of size 32 height x 49 width. The prompts i wanted to show below the pictures. But all prompts are vertically centered even when i use TEXTBOTTOM. Here my code: REDEFINE BUTTONBMP oB[ 1 ] ID 10 OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() BITMAP "FLAG_DE...
camelot, if() or iif() is the same. But the compiler is correct. An action like '.t.' is meaningless, because it is no action. You should write 'NIL' in case the second state of your if doesn't need an action. ACTION (IF(oSchl:Formular(oSchl:oSchlDbf), oSchl:BtnUpdate("STAMM"), NIL ),oSchl...