Access to Web Services

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Access to Web Services

Post by reinaldocrespo »

I need to access web services. From the documentation for the web service, I quote below:
This method lets providers list and download available files (reports and circular letters).
The method that lists available files for download is called getProvidersFiles. It expects
the following parameters:
• username – string containing username.
• password – string containing password.
This method returns an array of ProviderFile objects. Following is a description of the
properties of a ProviderFile object:
Property Name Type Description
created String Date when file was created
fileId Integer ID used to look for the file
fileName String Name of file
fileType String Type of File
provider String provider owner of file
npiNumber String Provider’s NPI
taxIDNumber String Provider’s Tax ID
Notice how web services has access to web methods that can recieve parameters and return data. In this case it returns an object.

Is it possible with fw to gain access to web services?

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